Bron Nelson (
Fri, 14 Nov 1997 10:56:35 -0800

> Funny how there seems to be a lot of players in game 2 who were in
> game 1 saying AOO are B'stards and don't deserve to live and providing
> loads of good examples for their deaths and on the other hand there
> are 1 or 2 people in g2 who again were in g1 who say that the AOO were
> just mis-understood and were not really bad.

No, no, you mis-understand. In G1, the AOO *were* (as you so colorfully
put it) "B'stards" who didn't deserve to live. While we were a diverse
group of people with different goals, there certainly was a core who *were*
dedicated to global domination and destruction of our enemies. All I'm
saying is that, while there were the few inevitable incidents where newbie
bystanders got whacked, it was *not* policy to "harvest" newbies.

If you want to say, "these AOO scum suckers steal candy from babies!",
well, I take offense at that. On the other hand, if you want to say
"these AOO scum suckers invaded Rimmon without provocation, captured
a dozen castles, murdered scores of nobles, thousands of crossbowmen
and hundreds of dragons!", well, you're right. In fact, I did that
personally. Such was the role I was playing in that game.

Now, having made the mistake of talking about all this, I plan to
follow Oleg's excellent suggestion to stop dwelling on G1 and instead
talk about G2. The new "Conservation of Noble Points" rule makes
global domination virtually impossible, so we must invent new roles to
play and new goals to set. The world(s) are big enough that the peaceful
can hide, but I submit that Provinia is the wrong place to be if you
want to be left alone.

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