Re: War at sea!

Tim Whalen (
Fri, 14 Nov 1997 10:41:09 -0800

> Gentlefolk:
> I've been puttering around with putting together a naval force at
> sea and I'm running into a roadblock-namely while the rules imply that there
> is a ram that can be fitted to a galley-I can find no mention of such
> anywhere. Does this mean that a galley can carry a battering ram and use it
> in combat?

The g1 skill 'Add ram to galley' was dropped from g2. I suspect that
was due to the fact that nobody ever fitted a ram on a galley. The
defense could never make up for the fact that you can fit five times
men (and seven times more fighters) on a fully-manned roundship than on
a fully-manned galley.

The problem I always had with naval warfare was this. How do I attack
someone from within my own ship? I never had a need to figure this one
out but isn't this impossible to do with the sighting rules? I would
have to move out of my ship in order to attack the other ship, and to
do so at sea I'd have to be able to fly. And if my attacking stack can
fly, why do I need a boat? Similarly, it seems to be impossible to
an attack from within a structure on folks outside that structure.

> Also, do pirates (wouldn't marines be a better name, BTW?) operate
> at full strength on islands?

Marines can't sail a boat though can they? Pirates are probably not
full strength on an island. At least the rules seem to say so.

>> A pirate fights (15,15,0) on a ship, but only (5,5,0) on land.

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