Re: newbies Yuck!

Bill Lee (
Mon, 10 Nov 1997 20:09:26 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Greg Lindahl wrote:
> > And please stop whining you haven't heard from the "newbies" in the
> > G2-list
> > the list was made for other purposes.
> One major purpose of this list is diplomacy. This, believe it or not,
> is diplomacy. Have a nice day, and I hope you enjoy living farther
> away from Yellowleaf.
The purpose of this list is NOT diplomacy, even though it has been used
for this purpose. From the Olympia web page, the purpose of this
mailing list is "for Olympia G2 players to chat about the game."

Please realize that it is not a requirement to subscribe to this list. Do
not expect that just because you send a message to this list that everyone
in Olympia will see it. If you wish to send a message to everyone, you
should post it in the times.

Bill Lee

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