Announce: The Travelers Guide

Jeff Heinen (
Mon, 7 Apr 1997 14:44:58 -0700

Greetings Fellow Olympians,

It is our grand pleasure to anounce the beginnings of The Traveler Guide,=
an information storehouse for explorerers, wanderers and all other forms of=
travelers. Now appearing on our webpages at http://www.spiretech.c=

Our collection includes a graphical and texual maps of public lands, a list=
of claim lands, gate locations[1], and current market and province=
reports[2]. We are doing this for all aspects of Olympian lands, not only=
the Prime Plane, but for Hades and Farie lands, and those of the Sub-World.

Inorder to protect our contributers, we offer three different levels of=
A public contribution is one that everyone can see. This is the most=
preferred as it benifits everyone.=20
Some people may desire to share only with those others that contribute.=
This too is also available, and sometimes necessary with the rarer and more=
powerful information. These are members of the Traveler's Guild and will=
warrent you the most information.
We will also keep your information private. This is not encourate, but it's=
whole purpose is to gain trust between us and you in the hopes that one day=
you will let your information be public.=20

To be totally honest, we have this strange desire to build a map of the=
whole world. And we will do just about anything to accomplish this feat as=
soon as possible, even if it means at the sacrifice of public knowledge. We=
apologize for our selfishness, and hope it does not scare away thoses that=
would be willing to help.
So please, as you peruse your next turn, or look through old turns, think=
of us.

Thank You.

The Travelers [hc8]

[1] Due to the nature of gate reports, they are only given to other gate
location contributers.
[2] Currenly in progress.

The Travelers [hc8] "To explore the World, And Map It"

- Now accepting Any and all Olympia G2 Info!
- Join the Travelers Guild. Help map the World!

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