Re: Behind: How do the soldiers stack up?

Mark Hendrickson (
Sun, 6 Apr 1997 09:48:02 -0600


At 21:13 -0500 4/5/97, Rodger Coghlan wrote:
> If Lord Dufus has 60 soldiers 20 swordsmen,20 pikemen, and 20 crossbowmen,
>it would seem that the ideal line up would be swordsmen in row 1 pikemen in
>row 2, and crossbowmen in row 3; I do not see anyway to control this. Would
>I have to split my various soldiers amongst 3 characters sorted by unit type
>in order to get the order I want? Do mixed armies line up in any sort of

Yes, they line up all in the same row. The noble sets the row, so if you
want two rows, you pretty much need two nobles: the soldiers/crossbowmen
of each lining up with their respective noble. & there's really little
benefit to not putting the swordsmen & pikemen in anything but the first

The only way to get two rows with one noble is to raise angry peasant mobs
or to summon wildmen. They will always be in the first row, even if the
noble raising them is in the back.


>From the desk of:

Mark Hendrickson
Ensign, USNR
NAS, Pensacola, FL

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