Re: Trading problem

Jeff Heinen (
Tue, 11 Mar 1997 08:54:05 -0800

At 9:02 AM -0600 on 3/11/97, Mark Hendrickson wrote:

> Gentlemen:
> The rules state that:
> "When the tradegood ceases to be sold in the originating
> city, the purchasing city will also remove the item from
> its purchase list, thus making room for another tradegood
> to be bought."
> So you go ahead & find a commodity, buy it all, & then you can't sell any
> of it b/c it's no longer for sale in the original city? Do you need to buy
> all but one & hope nobody else buys it? This seems silly, if I've
> understood this right.

But also notice that you have 24-36 months to use this trade route.

Perhaps there should be a little more time between then the original city
stops selling, and for the demand to die down in the final city.
But all in all, your making a huge profit with each trip, you can stand
to lose one load.

You can always find a new traderoute and start all over again.


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