DescriptionIntroduction Pride of a Nation is an RPG game set in the 3rd century BC, during a turbulent period, which saw the rise of Rome and the beginning of an end for the Hellenistic states that inhabited the eastern Mediterranean. The 3rd century BC was truly a period of momentous change seeing the rise and fall of the once mighty Macedonians with Rome taking the lead from being a regional power to be a power to be reckoned with. The Seleukids are at the strongest they will ever be, Antiochus III, or other wise known as Antiochus Megas "the great" stands confident that he can crush any and all upstarts, pressing his heals deep on all nations that dare question his authority. The Greko Baktrians stand strong and have the potential to be a menace to any would be Emperor, the Mauryan Empire stands at the height of its power with an army that scares all with its size and strength. As a player you enter this world as a young noble or one of many preset characters seeking to make your family name one that will sound out through the ages. Watch your investments grow and your family expand, once your young men grow in age ensure that they gain the position and prestige to continuing your families' good fortune. Mission Statement Pride of a nation and its fellow conciliates strives to provide the most unique gaming experience that it can possibly offer. Pride of a nation and its Parent game Bronze Fist 2: In Search of the Gods strives to put the player at the very heart of the world in which they play, plunging them deep into the seedy darkness and political intrigue that characterized the ancient world. The games that BF2 and PoaN provide promote a positive experience where players are expected to treat their fellow players with respect and dignity. How it operates Pride of a Nation as I have already stated operates alongside Bronze Fist 2, Bronze Fist 2 is a turn based grand strategy game with each turn being a month except the winter months, those lasting from November to February being split into two monthly periods known as Fall and Winter. These two turns represent the end of the campaign season where the realms of the great states have a chance to rest and recuperate. Your actions will operate in the same time frames as the players of Bronze Fist, you may RP and issue orders for any point in that time period, these actions will be considered as part of the national rulers monthly turns. Note: National rulers as a result may issue extra orders if an event has occurred during the monthly turn after issuing their orders. I would ask that the rulers keep the orders simple and easy to understand, so I can action them as swiftly as possible, you will have the opportunity to re issue orders up until and before the issuing of the game paper known as the Hellenic times.
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Greg Lindahl