Right on Track

This entry is part of the PBM List.

Costs: free
Email: snow.deal@yahoo.com
Frequency: Varies
URL: http://rot.iced-silver.net/ [ dead link ]
Type: alaska, wolf, sled dog, human
Last-Update: 2007Sep16
Keywords: free, open-ended, www, human, historical, rpg


The sun rises on a silent but foreboding morning, it's tendrils of warmth sparkling as they kiss the icy ground of the Alaskan tundra. Welcome to Fort Rain, a small town that lives for their dogs and the sleds their four legged companions pull. Long before the humans ever arrived though, the wolves this harsh patch of ice and wilderness. Humans, though, have long since forced the creatures farther back, so that now they only roam the mountains nearby, longing to take back what was once theirs.

This is Right On Track, an interactive and fun-loving community. Here at RoT, we allow you the choice of playing a sled dog, a musher, or even a wolf living in a 1987 version of an Alaskan town. If you are a musher your goal is simple: get a team, and win the races. If your a dog you can either be a stray or a sled dog --some can be just pets. We hope you stop by and take a look into the world of sledding. We welcome you into our midst with open arms and paws.


Played the game? You can send me comments to be placed on this page by writing lindahl@pbm.com. But don't write me attempting to join the game -- write the GM, whose address is above.

Are you the GM? You can update your listing by writing lindahl@pbm.com. If you have something new to say about your game, for example an opening for new players, you can create an announcement for your game.

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Greg Lindahl