USS Minerva

This entry is part of the PBM List.

Costs: Free
Frequency: At Least Once a Week
URL: [ dead link ]
Type: Star Trek Play by Email
Last-Update: 2006Oct02
Keywords: free, open-ended, www, human, startrek, rpg


The Future of the Federation begins here...

After the events of Star Trek Nemesis, fans everywhere are curious as to how the events of the Future of the Federation unfold. With the end of TNG era movies, fans need to turn to prequels to see how the story continues.

Or do they...

How about making the story yourself? Alpha Fleet is an excellent place for anyone to continue the adventure and help create the future. A dangerous enemy has created a fleet of warships, and is beginning a blood fued against Starfleet. Led by a rouge Admiral, Alpha Fleet boldly stands in his way to keep this evil force away from the Federation. Other events are waiting to be told.

One ship, newly refit, stands ready to protect, explore, and hold the values of Starfleet above all others. The USS Minerva, a Refit Galaxy Class Starship is in need of a good crew to become closer, and serve the Federation. Under the Command of Commander James Sharpp, the crew of the Minerva will be put to the ultimate test as they embark on a mission of exploration, boldly going into the unknown.

Are you a writer? Interested in continuing the story? The USS Minerva is a play by forum Star Trek Simulation set in the year 2383. A Proud member of Alpha Fleet's Task Force 612, the USS Minerva needs simmers of all types, and strengths to carry out her mission. Up to the challenge of piloting this massive starship? Do you have a tactical mind, one that is prepared to the challenge of maintaining and operating the ship's weapons systems? Have what it takes to keep a starship operational? Does the pusuit of science interest you? Do you enjoy helping people with their problems, and stresses? Got what it takes to launch and recover a wing of ego filled fighter pilots? Want to pave the way as a Diplomatic Officer? Whatever the role you want to define in the future of the Federation, the USS Minerva can help you.

Positions we are currently looking for:

-Command Master Chief (Chief of the Boat)

-Chief Flight Control Officer

-Chief Tactical Officer

-Chief Operations Officer

-Chief Science Officer

-Chief Councelor

-Diplomatic Officer

-Flight Operations Boss

-Many more assistant positions...

If you dont see something that interests you, feel free to fill out an application, we are always looking for new roles.

For more information, please visit out website at:

The USS Minerva is a proud member of Alpha Fleet!

Thank you!

Commander James Sharpp CO, USS Minerva Task Force 205 Alpha Fleet


Played the game? You can send me comments to be placed on this page by writing But don't write me attempting to join the game -- write the GM, whose address is above.

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Greg Lindahl