Démange - LE jeu

This entry is part of the PBM List.

Costs: Extremely free
URL: http://www.demange-le-jeu.com/ [ dead link ]
Frequency: every 2 days
Type: Massive fantasy wargame
Last-Update: 2003Aug08
Keywords: free, open-ended, www, mixed, fantasy, french, wargame, rpg


French language only - a good incentive to have you learn french !

This game is based upon a well-known (in France) RPG "In Nomine Satani / Magna Veritas", where one plays Angels or Demons who fight on Earth in the modern age. Err... definitely not for the True Believers (e.g an Angel is named Saint Chibrosaurus).

Bienvenue sur le site de Démange. Ici les armées du bien et du mal s'affrontent depuis des éons sans que ni les démons ni les anges ne parviennent à prendre le dessus. Après des siècles de discrétion le conflit a éclaté au grand jour et la Terre, passage obligé entre enfer et paradis, est devenue un immense champ de bataille, quelques Héros se sont levés parmi les humains pour mener leur peuple contre ces êtres surnaturels qui se battent pour quelque chose qui ne leur appartient pas.

Each player may play up to 3 Angels or 3 Demons or 10 human heroes. There are 3 huge planes (Paradise, Earth and Hell), each of up to 512x512 squares, linked with a few Gates of great strategic importance. Angels and Demons try to invade the enemy plane, the weaker Humans mostly try to survive, or may take one side in the war. The game involves fighting along with other players, defending the Gates to Paradise or Hell, applying strategies on the tactical scale. ArchAngels and Seigneurs Demons (DemonLords) have special powers. There are special locations, quests, items to find (such as the mysterious Golem parts). There is only 1 game, which currently has 8000+ characters played by 4000+ players !

Playing is very free, one can even fight against one's camp (= turn chaotic), but factions try to organize things and punish offenders. For example Angels are supposed not to kill Humans.

The game is played on the Web, with a simple and easy interface, forums, etc. No 3D or animations or pretty pictures. The game mechanisms are rather simple, but permit lots of tactics. Roleplay and communicating with fellows are essential. I have to say, sadly (as I play angels), Demons currently have an edge, because they are 20% more numerous and somewhat better organized than Angels... This must not be tolerated !


Played the game? You can send me comments to be placed on this page by writing lindahl@pbm.com. But don't write me attempting to join the game -- write the GM, whose address is above.

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Greg Lindahl