Starting Position |
Verse 1 – Sides |
1 – 4 |
Side L |
The man and woman in the center of the set (that are facing each other) side once. |
5 – 8 |
STL & pass |
The man and woman set and turn to each other, as they are turning they change places but remain facing in the same direction. They will now have brought another couple into the dance. |
1 – 8 (repeated) |
Continue |
Continue the above sequence until everyone reaches the end of the set where they turn around, and continue back down the set to the other end, then turn around again and continue back to their places. The center couple will have to sit out a few rounds while the rest of the set returns to place. Everybody may also have to sit out one round when they reach the end of the set. |
Verse 2 – Arms |
1 – 4 |
Arm L |
Beginning with the center couple again, arm L back to your place. |
5 – 8 |
STL & pass |
Set and turn left, passing as above. |
1 – 8 (repeated) |
Continue |
Continue the dance as above, but this time arming instead of siding. |
Verse 3 – Hey |
1 – 8 (repeated) |
Hey |
Beginning with the center couple again, begin a hey and continue it as above until everyone gets back to their starting place again. |
Notes |
This is a very silly dance. Cruciform Double Dargason is even sillier. |