Re: To the faction of the late Max [105866], (

Dominick Vansevenant (
Thu, 29 Jun 2000 09:34:48 +0200

I stand perplex, there is conflict in Olympia and we(LotC) are not in it :-)

OK, Glippie, I am waiting for your reply :-)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Lind Jans" <>
To: "Olympia mailing list (E-mail)" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 8:54 AM
Subject: To the faction of the late Max [105866], (

> To the faction of the late Max [105866], (
> Spare us your mr. Innocent approach, you where seen stacked with nobles
which had invaded our territory in spite of warnings to leave. So the next
time you whine about being killed because you participated in an invasion
you might consider not to invade at all.
> All your references to dogs also gives away that you had more than one
noble in the area. By the way, you shouldn't be from the same faction as the
Mad dog which himself where behind a massacre of innocent nobles?
> Here's the evidence:
> Elven Forest [da46], forest, in Provinia, wilderness
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Seen here:
> Garrison [9241], garrison, on guard, with ten soldiers
> G O M [144424], "Guest of the Enclave", with 74 soldiers, eight
> 92 riding horses, accompanied by:
> El Puerco [117620], "Guest of the Enclave", with 40 crossbowmen,
> ten elite archers
> Son Of The Dog [83625], "Guest of the Enclave", with 20 workers,
> ten elite guard, three soldiers
> Max [105866], priest, "Woof", with two riding horses
> Sudshire [t91], city, in province Sea of Grass - Sudshire [da48]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Inner locations:
> Maddog's Memorial [5284], temple, defense 10, owner:
> Max [105866], priest, "Woof", with four riding horses
> Tower of Petals Falling [k189], tower, defense 40
> New castle [137096], castle-in-progress, 3% completed
> New [7588], tower-in-progress, 0% completed
> Rest in peace,
> Lord Targ, emmisary of the Duchy of Aquilonia

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