Yes, definitely. Provinia is too crowded already -- and new players are
being dropped into a war zone.
> What I'd really like to do is offer some alternate routes out of
> the IC, such as one-way and/or one-use teleporation portals from
> the IC to other cities elsewhere on the map.
> I suppose I could do some sort of survey of the area before I create
> a port into the city, but any cities I choose will have this problem
> to one degree or another.
Alternately, maybe you could create a 'port into every (most?) city, and
allow the current owner to decide whether it is active or not.
Or perhaps one 'port per continent, and city (& structure?) owners can
"vote" on whether it is active.
For Game 2 (when will that start? hint, hint) you might even want to consider
making them two-way -- if you charge appropriately for their use, it would be
impractical to use them for military campaigns, but it would really accelerate
trade, communication, and civilization.
Ed Bailey
-- Ed Bailey | Voice: (512) 471-4198 Fax: (512) 471-6715 Inst. for Fusion Studies | Internet: bailey@{hagar,ziggy}, Univ. of Texas at Austin |, or Austin TX 78712 | "No pithy quotes. Just email addresses."