Re: roads

Patrick McLaughlin (
Thu, 25 Aug 1994 13:17:03 -700 (PDT)


There are places where you can move at 7--the plains. I don't know what
deserts or other terrains are at, but I'd say that less than -2 days for
a road is little gain for the effort and maintenance. Flying is a good
deal in that it does NOT care what the terrain is--and realistically,
fliers need to rest more often/feed more often. Like cavalry, I
expect--not much faster than infantry over distance, but very quick on
the field.

On Thu, 25 Aug 1994, John Morrow wrote:

> >I liked John Morrow's idea of having roads give you a fixed rate
> >of travel, no matter where you build them (5-6 days?). Same effect,
> >easier to express.
> I'd say no less than 6 days (or 5 locations per turn). Any lower than
> that and I think you are moving just too many provinces per turn,
> especially if you add a bonus for horses and such. I think you should
> never take less than 3 days to travel from one place to another
> unless, perhaps, you are flying or are using a gate. That is 10
> locations per turn and quite fast enough...
> John Morrow

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