Re: Land ownership mechanic

Rich Skrenta (
Thu, 17 Feb 94 9:52:08 EST

> The code is all done now, but I'm too tired to document or test it now.
> Give it a whirl if you like.
> garrison <castle> Requires 10 soldiers
> Must be done at province level
> Don't have to be first unit in province,
> but there can't be a garrison already
> Castle must be in same region
> pledge <who>
> Everything should work -- the status, gold collection, etc. Everything but
> TAKE from the garrison.

It works! Everything is in but TAKE, and still no docs. The current
documentation on location ownership is somewhat confused. Basically,
the owner of a building or ship is the first character inside it, and
the owner of a provice is determined by castles/garrisons.

I will make it so the province ruler or administrator can set the name
of the province and its sublocations. This should make the map a bit
more interesting.

I'll send new docs to the players list as soon as I have them, but feel
free to start beating on the garrison mechanism.

Rich Skrenta <>

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