I think, howver, that my mock-up proposed having an extra level of
opaque nesting than Carl's or John's.
> Cnossa [204], plains, population: 510, weather: snow
> Routes leaving Cnossa:
> Region features:
> City of the Lost [2001], city, population: 1200, strength: 2, containing:
> Imperial Palace [3000], citadel, strength 5
> Tower of the Art [3506], tower, strength 4, containing:
> BtA [801], individual, stacked over:
> 1) Leonic, Steward of the Art [1598], individual
> 2) Guardians of the Art [1002], number: 100
> Market of Cnossa [1003], market
> Tavern of the Art [1004], inn
> Innocent bystanders [1006], number 5
> City guard [1007], number: 50
> Traveller [1008], individual, stacked over:
> 1) Travelling Companion [1010], individual
> Ruins of Old Cnossa [2002], ruins
Is this what I see if I'm in the city, or outside the city?
In my example, I factored the city out into a separate region wholly
contained by the outer province.
Thus you cannot see into the city from outside, and you can have other
subregions too. This clusters several large areas together in a common
region which can be defended by a force in the outer province.
By factoring out the city contents, the province description also
becomes less of a monster. It's shorter, and we save a few levels
of indentation.
Cnossa [204], province
Routes leaving Cnossa:
North, River Asart, river, to Celenth [227], 9 days
Northeast, River Estil, river, to Baraxes [232], 4 days
East, wilderness, to Aldain [233], 9 days
Southeast, wilderness, to Ossicus [230], 16 days
South, River Asart, river, to Pallia [219], 4 days
Southwest, wilderness, to Pentara [228], 20 days
West, wilderness, to Aerondor [215], 17 days
Region features:
Imperial Palace [3000], citadel
The Archives [3225], tower, guild [3125], strength: 2
Interior locations:
City of the Lost [2001], city, population: about 200,
walls: 2, lord: [501]
Forest Cnossa [2032], forest, size 40, "enter at your own risk"
Cnossan plains [2033], plain
Cnossan plains [2034], plain
Lake Cnossa [2071], lake
Seen here:
Ghost of Captain McCook [503], ghost, heavily armed
City of the Lost [2001], city, in province Cnossa [204],
population: about 200
Region features:
Tower of the Arts [2096], tower, guild [3106]
Fuzzy Rat Inn [3178], inn, lord [501]
Seen here:
Osswid [501], individual, wearing a fine cloak
-- Rich Skrenta <skrenta@rt.com> N2QAV