o T'Nyc-style ioctls
Major skill groups multiplexed with numerically keyed usages.
Requires multi-level lore system.
o Subskills a la carte
Scott Turner's flat list of all subskills.
Each may be studied.
Addition of prerequisites for study ruins the simplicity of
this idea.
o Parent/subskill
Comes three ways:
Parent rated for a level, subskill rated too
Parent not rated, subskill rated
Parent rated, subskill not rated
Consider the ASSIST worker-effectiveness formula when choosing.
What portion of effectiveness comes from the parent/subskill
if they are both rated?
Isn't it absurd to have to study shipbuilding for a long time,
then study "build clipper" too?
Just what is suppose to happen when you USE the parent, anyway?
-- Rich Skrenta <skrenta@rt.com> N2QAV