Games in this category:
- Battletech - Hellstorm Hussars (Future Mecha Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Children of the Dragon (MASSIVE saga and back history, well established, loosly Dragonball/Animie based) [ dead link ]
- DBZ RPG (Freeplay, game, forum) [ dead link ]
- Dune PBeM (Fantasy/Sci-Fi Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Fate of the Known Worlds II (Space Opera Wargame geo-politcal strategy) [ dead link ]
- Fate of the Known Worlds III (Space Opera, Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Galactic Conquest (space opera nation builder) [ dead link ]
- Galaxy PLUS (diplomatic sf wargame, free, strategy, most popular PBeM game in Russia) [ dead link ]
- Kosmor - Forces of the Galaxies (space trade diplomacy and warfare) [ dead link ]
- New Worlds Project (Original science-fiction, play-by-post) [ dead link ]
- Per Annum: The Circle of Time (fantasy, medieval, science fiction, modern) [ dead link ]
- Quest for Arrakis II (Dune AU) [ dead link ]
- RPG Forums Online (Free form fantasy and message board based RPGs) [ dead link ]
- Spaceplan (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- Star Tactics (space opera, wargame) [ dead link ]
- Star Tactics, la saga des etoiles (space opera, wargame) [ dead link ]
- Third Millenium (web-based space exploration and conquest) [ dead link ]
- Tides of War: New Dawn (Message Board 4x) [ dead link ]
- USI Survivors (science fiction star-trek like game) [ dead link ]
- War of Ages (Sci-fi/War) [ dead link ]
- War of the Clans - Expansion -- Return to the Pentagon Worlds (Battletech, wargame, open ended) [ dead link ]
- White Star Jupiter (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
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