Games in this category:
- 2300 A.D. - The Great Game (strategy, sci-fi, wargame)
- A Wrinkle In Time! (Sci-Fi, Adventure)
- Arcane Journeys (Web-based Fantasy&Sci-fi single player games)
- BattleTech Mercenaries (PBF and PBeM Science Fiction Warfare Fan Fiction)
- Brave New Worlds (Strategic pulp futuristic pop-culture)
- Century 22 (Future History Sci Fi Geopolitics)
- Compliance (Alternate History, Dystopian, Post Apocalyptic, Romance RPG)
- Cyberpunk 2020 on the Equator (cyberpunk, near-future, literary)
- Dark Horizons X-Men RPG (PBEM/Yahoo Group RPG)
- DUNE: Wheels Within Wheels (DUNE: Science-Fiction Roleplaying Game)
- Elcor Theatre - A Mass Effect PBeM FF-RPG (Space Opera, Mass Effect)
- ES-02 (RPG PBP Sci-Fi Collaborative Story)
- Fractal - ruined world online (Posta Apocalyptic world online... just try to LIVE !)
- GangWar (Strategy)
- Helios book 2 (Superpowers, crisis management)
- In This Brutality (Post Apocalyptic Forum)
- JMC Blue Dwarf (Space Opera)
- Mass Effect: Return (space opera, sci-fi, roleplaying, mass effect)
- Mega Hyper Galactic Conquest (MHGC) (Space conquest stategic wargame)
- Morrow Project IL-MRX- 1 (Mars/Recon) (post-apocalyptic pbem)
- Morrow Project QP-11 (SPECIALTY QP-11) (post-apocalyptic pbem)
- Morrow Project Recon CA-4 (post-apocalyptic pbem)
- Morrow Project Recon Team A.G1 (post-apocalyptic pbem)
- Mystery & Magic Web Worlds (freeform role play)
- New Foundation Tabletop Guild. Saga, DandD, MandM (Tabletop)
- Ogame (Space strategy)
- Power ranger Resurrectio (Space )
- Radio Silence (Dystopian / Post-Apocalyptic RPG)
- Robotech: 23rd Veritech Squadon (Robotech Space Opera)
- RPG Forums Online (Free form fantasy and message board based RPGs)
- RPG Gathering (open-game multi-genre board)
- Space Conquest (Strategi, Wargame)
- Space Wing: Void Patrol (space fighters dogfights)
- Star Wars: Commando (Star Wars Space Opera)
- Star Wars: Knights of Coruscant (Star Wars)
- Star Wars: The Aurus System (Star Wars Roleplaying Game)
- Star Wars: The Great Jedi Purge (space opera)
- Starport: Galactic Empires (space online)
- Stellar Forces (sci-fi squad tactics)
- Strange Normality (RPG and CCG Hybrid)
- Summer's Eve (Riddick/Pitch Black, Dark, Space, Future)
- TCR Games (PBEM RPG Games)
- The 'Verse or Something Like It (Firefly, space western, science fiction)
- The Draft (Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic, Romance RPG)
- The Last Island (Post-Apocalyptic, Survival RPG)
- The Mazeworks (Cross genre multiversal adventuring )
- The Murder Series (Panfandom/Multiverse RPs)
- UNS Babylon (space opera simm)
- US Colonial Marines (Science Fiction / Military)
- USCM RPG (Sci Fi / Military themed)
- V: The Saga (Science Fiction)
- Vandread - The Aftermath (PBEM openended scifi roleplay)
- Vexxor (Cyberpunk Demon, Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic RPG)
- War of Ages (Sci-fi/War)
- War of Assassins (Dune based political intrigue)
- Wastelands (Post-Apocalyptic)
- Wraith Legion (Sci-Fi Wargame, Battletech)
- 2084 (Science Fiction) [ dead link ]
- After Day (Play-by-Post Sci-fi) [ dead link ]
- Alien Contamination (Science Fiction) [ dead link ]
- Anubis Scripts (Play by Post) [ dead link ]
- Arc Survivors (Sci-fi) [ dead link ]
- Battlestar Chimaera (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- Battlestar Hercules (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- Battlestar Megaera (space and post-apocalyptic game) [ dead link ]
- Battlestar Omega (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- Battlestar Valfreyja (Space Opera, Sci-fi, Action) [ dead link ]
- Battletech - Hellstorm Hussars (Future Mecha Wargame) [ dead link ]
- BC304 Agincourt (Science Fiction, alternate timeline) [ dead link ]
- Bellow's Fog (post-apocalyptic, play-by-post, cyber-punk) [ dead link ]
- Celestial Prime Alliance (online role playing group ) [ dead link ]
- Children of the Dragon (MASSIVE saga and back history, well established, loosly Dragonball/Animie based) [ dead link ]
- Chronicles of Gaea (Fantasy steampunk modern scifi world-building) [ dead link ]
- Code Red: Lost Ages (science fiction, action, mystery) [ dead link ]
- DBZ RPG (Freeplay, game, forum) [ dead link ]
- Diversity Fleet (star trek, star wars, rpg, chatroom, pbmb, sim) [ dead link ]
- Dune PBeM (Fantasy/Sci-Fi Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Fallout:Ghoul Britannia (post-apocalyptic collaborative play-by-post) [ dead link ]
- Fate of the Known Worlds II (Space Opera Wargame geo-politcal strategy) [ dead link ]
- Fate of the Known Worlds III (Space Opera, Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Filthy Empire (Post Apocalyptic, Wasteland/Powers RPG) [ dead link ]
- Fireflt - On the Raggedy Edge (Sci-Fi/Western) [ dead link ]
- From the Ashes of Old (Post-apocalyptic) [ dead link ]
- Galactic Conquest (space opera nation builder) [ dead link ]
- Galaxy PLUS (diplomatic sf wargame, free, strategy, most popular PBeM game in Russia) [ dead link ]
- Heaven's Gate - Starbase 73 (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- Inter-Universal Diplomacy RPG (free-form, open-ended, sci-fi, diplomacy, Play-by-forum) [ dead link ]
- Langley Station - Starbase 65 (A PBB Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
- Living Mercenaries (Palladium game System (Megaversal)) [ dead link ]
- Maneuver Drive (Space Opera Traveller ) [ dead link ]
- Mass Effect: Horizon (Space opera) [ dead link ]
- Mavros Weyr (Canon Dragonriders of Pern) [ dead link ]
- Midgard Expedition (Stargate) [ dead link ]
- New Origins (Superhero, fiction) [ dead link ]
- New Worlds Project (Original science-fiction, play-by-post) [ dead link ]
- Night Walkers (Future Fantasy Game with Supernatural Creatures) [ dead link ]
- Nova Lux (Sci-Fi) [ dead link ]
- Omega 7 (scifi, action adventure, comedy) [ dead link ]
- Ouroboros (Sci-Fi Exploration) [ dead link ]
- Outpost (Futuristic) [ dead link ]
- PARANOIA Live (Dystopian, Humourous, Sci-fi) [ dead link ]
- Per Annum: The Circle of Time (fantasy, medieval, science fiction, modern) [ dead link ]
- Play by Posting (All kinds) [ dead link ]
- Pools of Imagination (Adult, freeform rpg and message board) [ dead link ]
- Quest for Arrakis II (Dune AU) [ dead link ]
- Ramath-lehi (Fantasy, futuristic, play-by-post, free form, pendragons) [ dead link ]
- Raw Valence (steam punk, apocalyptic, modern, war, high fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Red Raven Alpha (Prision scyfi survival) [ dead link ]
- Rifts New West (Sci-fi PBEM) [ dead link ]
- Robotech: Dawn of Macross (Robotech, Space Opera, Sci-Fi) [ dead link ]
- Rondak's Portal (over 300 games of various types) [ dead link ]
- RPG Center (any) [ dead link ]
- RPG Freak (PBP RPG) [ dead link ]
- RSW (Science fiction simulation) [ dead link ]
- Salroth Ages (Semi-Freeform fantasy timetravel) [ dead link ]
- Shelf Space (based-on, book, comic, gang, forum-based, rpg) [ dead link ]
- SLA Stargate Command (Stargate SG1 RPG) [ dead link ]
- Spartan RPG (Halo based RPG) [ dead link ]
- SSV Midway, a Mass Effect RPG (Mass Effect RPG) [ dead link ]
- Star EnGarde 3 - A New Beginning (Space Engarde varient) [ dead link ]
- Star Frontiers: Mercenary (Science Fiction Roleplay) [ dead link ]
- Star Saga (space roleplaying game) [ dead link ]
- Star Wars Empire - Officiers de l'Empire (Jeu de role par email univers starwars) [ dead link ]
- Star Wars Notes (Star Wars) [ dead link ]
- Star Wars PBeM (Science Fiction/Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Star Wars Rogue Moon (Star Wars Rebellion Era Roleplay) [ dead link ]
- Star Wars: A Fading Hope (star wars saga edition) [ dead link ]
- Star Wars: May the Force (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- Star Wars: Resurgence (space opera, mystery, thriller, adventure. ) [ dead link ]
- Star Wars: Return to the Old Republic (Star Wars Roleplay Story-Writing Epic) [ dead link ]
- Star Wars: Unforeseen Destiny (Bulletin Board Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- Stargate Horizon (Space Adventure in the Stargate genre) [ dead link ]
- Stargate Midgard (Stargate) [ dead link ]
- Stargate SG9 (Stargate Sim/RPG) [ dead link ]
- Stargate: Midgard Base (Sci Fi) [ dead link ]
- Stargate: SGT-5 (Stargate sim, adventure/military) [ dead link ]
- Stargate: SGT-7 (Space, Stargate) [ dead link ]
- Stargate: The Next Generation (Stargate, space, war, ships, future, exploration, forum) [ dead link ]
- Starship Troopers: The 2nd Fleet (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- Surviving Mars (Sci-Fi Survival) [ dead link ]
- Task Force 19 - Independent, Omega Fleet Online (sci-fi) [ dead link ]
- The Collective Isles (Fantasy ) [ dead link ]
- The Dawn OF time (BB Rpg) [ dead link ]
- The LATTICE -- FreeForm SciFi RPG (FreeForm SciFi RPG) [ dead link ]
- The Long Road Home (Battlestar Galactica (New) Opera) [ dead link ]
- The Rpg Table (scpae game, fantasy game, action game,wargame the list grows everyday) [ dead link ]
- Threads of Fate (all-encompassing game ) [ dead link ]
- Tides of War: New Dawn (Message Board 4x) [ dead link ]
- To Boldly Go (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- Ultraball 2100 (futuristic sport management) [ dead link ]
- USI Survivors (science fiction star-trek like game) [ dead link ]
- USS Daedalus (Space, Sci-fi) [ dead link ]
- USS Jakarta (Star Trek Play by SMS) [ dead link ]
- USS Nautilus (Post Ent era, Space) [ dead link ]
- War of the Clans - Expansion -- Return to the Pentagon Worlds (Battletech, wargame, open ended) [ dead link ]
- WastelandsRPG (fantasy, scifi, zombie, ) [ dead link ]
- White Star Jupiter (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
- World of Chaos (Cross-Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror) [ dead link ]
- World of Shadows (freeform science fiction pbem) [ dead link ]
- X-Men: Acid Rain (X-Men/Marvel Anime Influenced Play-By-Post RPG) [ dead link ]
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