PBM / PBEM List Index: economic
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Games in this category:
1914-alt (Alternate history wargame)
1939 World Wide Battle Plan (Wargame)
2300 A.D. - The Great Game (strategy, sci-fi, wargame)
A War of Empires (alternate historical)
A World of Adventure (adult fantasy roleplay)
A World of Discovery (A PbEM game of civilization building.)
Advanced Civilization Avalon Hill MsDos pbem game (Strategic turn civilization construcción game)
Age of Axes (Wargaming, historical, campaign)
Age of Conquest (Ancient era strategy wargame)
Agenda:004 (modern nation simulation)
Aleth PBEM (fantasy wargame)
Alienations (space opera)
Alphasim Hockey Simulation (Web based Management Hockey Sim)
America's Second Civil War (Post Apocalyptic, Modern Warfare)
AMFA Manager (Soccer Management)
Arno's Atlantis (v5) (open-ended, fantasy, strategy, wargame)
Ashes of Empire, the (strategic space game)
Assassins (RPG, Fantasy, Merder)
Austerlitz (historical (Napoleonic) wargame)
Baroque Historical RPG (Historical Roleplaying Game)
Battle Corp (Turn by turn online wargame)
Battle Plan (Wargame - conquer Europe)
Before Atlantis (fantasy wargame)
Bellerophon (sci-fi, survival, space, realistic-ish, gurps)
Birthright The Second War of the Shadow (AD&D RPG Fantasy Wargame Story)
British Politics Sim (free political simulation)
Bronze Fist 2: In Search of the Gods (Ancient Historical Grand Strategy)
Capitol Hill (US Political Simulation)
Carnage Blender 2 (Carnage Blender, a free multiplayer strategy RPG)
Century 22 (Future History Sci Fi Geopolitics)
Century22pbem (free strategy wargame politic )
Championship Football (Football Managemant)
Clash of Legends (Fantasy wargame)
Cold War: Control Destiny (Diplomacy based wargame)
Conflict WW2 (wargame)
Conquest (government-simulation game)
Continental Rails 2 (economic, historical, rails)
Control Freak (money spending)
Critical Collapse (Economic war game)
DBU - Die Bundesliga (sports, football manager)
Deutscherbundestag (German Political Webbased Simulator)
Dolphin E-mail Leagues (sports simulation leagues (pro/college football, basketball, basketball, hockey; pro soccer))
Dragonborn (Tribal, Low Fantasy, political, war)
Dragonlords (Fantasy wargame)
Empires of 1914 (Abstract, historical, roleplaying nation sim.)
Empyrean Dynasty (space opera freeform strategy game)
EuroSim (EU Parliament sim)
Fallout (a post-apocalyptic role playing game)
Far Horizons (Source Code) (space strategy)
Fields of Glory (Imperial Gaming) (17th Century Grand Srategy)
Fire on the Suns (FOTS) (Space based excel empire building)
Football Reborn (Football Mangement)
Football-o-Rama (soccer manager)
For King and Country (political simulation)
Fractal - ruined world online (Posta Apocalyptic world online... just try to LIVE !)
Galac-Tac (space conquest 4X)
Galactic Conflict (space wargame)
Galactic Warlords (space strategy wargame)
Galaxy Kings (space strategy)
GeoNations (Nation )
Great War PBEM yahoogroups (strategy PBEM)
Greyhawk (Military Political )
Hattrick (socce managment)
Havilah (Atlantis v5.1) (open-ended fantasy strategy wargame)
HM Government Simulation (Political Simulation, role playing, westminster, uk)
Horses For Courses : Epsom (Horse race & betting simulation)
Howell's Intrigue (Political Strategy)
Htg: Hollywood The Game (Hollywood Simulation Game)
Hyperdrive II (Space exploration and conquest)
Inter Maria (classical grand strategy)
Iridear: Land of the 5 temples (war diplomacy strategy fantasy)
Israeli Politics (Sim of Israeli government/Knesset - very realistic)
Kingdom Quest (Fantasy Wargame)
Kingdoms of Kinthay (Fantasy,Sci fi, Steampunk strategy game)
Landsend (Fantasy role play / strategy game)
Legends (German) (Strategic Fantasy)
Lords 51 - Siri: Age of Awakenings (Fantasy Empire Simulation)
Lords of Gyrne (Fantasy Strategy Wargame)
Lords of the Earth - Campaign 24 (Historical/Strategic)
Medieval Warlords (Historical strategic wargame)
Mega Hyper Galactic Conquest (MHGC) (Space conquest stategic wargame)
Merchant of Doom (economic, space, war game, strategy)
Merchant of X11 (economic, space, war game, strategy)
Midgard UK (Fantasy, medieval wargame)
Midgard US (Fantasy, medieval wargame)
Moonbase Prime (Economic moon-colony sim)
Napoleonic Empires (Historical strategy wargame)
Nation of Odrium (Fantasy Political Wargame)
Nations (Diplomacy,Nation-Sim, wargame)
New 1000 AD (Strategy)
New Cold War (Diplomatic, military role playing game)
Ogame (Space strategy)
Pathfinder Campaign (Pathfinder)
Pelagoria (strategy, political, exploration, wargame,)
Pheonix League (Soccer Management)
Phoenix: Beyond the Stellar Empire (Europe) (Space Opera)
PinkBall (football manager game)
Planetfall (Space colonization strategy game)
Political Supremacy (Alternate History starting in 1980 in the mist of conflict. This is a turn based political strategy game where you run a appointed nation. )
Politics America (political simulation)
Politics Britain Sim (political simulation)
Politics Canada (Politics simulation.)
Politics Saskatchewan (simulation/role playing)
Politics Sim UK (uk politics, govenment)
Politics Twist UK (political, economic, role playing game, parliament, government)
Politics Twist USA (government, world leader, political, presidential)
Politics UK (Political simulation)
Power:UK Retro (British Political Simulation)
Pride and Glory (17th Century Role Playing Game)
Pride of a Nation (Ancient Historical Role Play)
Qpawn Panterra (Modern, political wargame)
Rainbow's End (Empire building wargame)
Renaissance (historical simulation, open-ended, in its 43rd year)
Renaissiance Dynasty (historical )
Riftlords (Interstellar commodity trading (basic game))
Roman Legion (Historical RPG)
Santa Monica FC Online (soccer manager)
Schwertreiter (fantasy wargame)
Scramble for Empire (Victorian imperialist colohial wargame campaign! )
Shogunate (Historical strategy wargame)
Simbusiness (Business simulation game)
Space Trader (sci-fi economics)
Space Wing: Void Patrol (space fighters dogfights)
Space: 2360 (Wargame, Strategy, Diplomatic.)
Sphere of Influence (historical strategy)
Stars and Stripes (us political simulation)
Stars! (space opera)
Statecraft RPG (RPG nation sim)
Steampunk Society (Steampunk RPG)
Stronghold (Civilization)
Struggle For Power 1937 (Political/Economic/Military game)
Struggle For Power Interwar years (Diplomatic/military/political/economic game)
Struggle of Humanity (Historical Nation Building/Wargame)
Struggle of Nations (Historical wargame)
Successor States 3063 (battletech pbem)
Supernova: Rise of the Empire (Epic strategic-scale space power game)
Swiss Political Sim Style (Political Game)
Tales of Tamar (fantasy wargame)
The Armageddon Plague (Zombie horror strategy)
The Dugout (Rugby League Coaching Simulation)
The Glory of Kings (La Gloire du Roi) (18th century historical power wargame)
The Great Civil War of Samaca (Open-ended wargame/diplomacy)
The Stock Investment Game (Stock Simulation Play By Email Game)
The UK Your Way (Political simulation)
TMVL - The Maximum Volleyball League (volleyball, sports)
Tribes of Neire (Fantasy Political RPG and Wargame)
Tribes! It's 50,000 BC - Do you know where your kids are? (Tribal Social Game)
Tryn-Trava ( (fantasy funny wargame)
UK Politics Sim (parliament, economics, role playing, government,)
United States of America Sim (Political Game, Government Simulation)
Urban Empire (Crime)
USS Sanctuary (Star Trek)
Vexillium (World creation )
War for Sienna Minor II ( War of the Power Stones) (fantasy wargame)
War of Assassins (Dune based political intrigue)
War of the Power Stones (Fantasy Wargame)
War of Wizards (Strategy Fantasy Turn Based Game)
WAR OF WIZARDS (fantasy empire building game of magic)
WCFF (fantasy football (soccer) pbem)
World Nations (Nation Building)
World Wide Battle Plan (wargame)
Wrestling Shows Game (Wrestling promotion sim)
19th Century - War between the States (Historical MMORPG / Historical MMOSTG) [ dead link ]
Aevum Obscurum (strategy, historical, empires in 1300 Europe, risk like) [ dead link ]
Alamaze (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
Alien Struggle (space opera) [ dead link ]
Alternate 1939 (nation sim, historical, war game) [ dead link ]
Anarchy in Anuire: A Birthright PBeM (fantasy rpg game) [ dead link ]
Ars Regendi (Nation-building game) [ dead link ]
Atlantic Premier League (football (soccer) management, ESMS) [ dead link ]
Austerlitz - The Rise of the Eagle (Historical Simulation) [ dead link ]
AustGov (Political Simulation) [ dead link ]
Barbarians at the Gate (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
Battle Master (medieval wargame) [ dead link ]
Battletech - Hellstorm Hussars (Future Mecha Wargame) [ dead link ]
Battletech Total War (Turn Based Strategy War Game) [ dead link ]
British Government Sim (uk political simulation) [ dead link ]
Cantr II (Society simulator) [ dead link ]
Capitol Hill v. 3.0 (US government political simulation) [ dead link ]
Children of the Dragon (MASSIVE saga and back history, well established, loosly Dragonball/Animie based) [ dead link ]
Civil War OnLine (U.S. Civil War Wargame) [ dead link ]
Commander - Europe at War (Strategic WW2 turn based strategy in the vein of Panzer General. ) [ dead link ]
Creatures of the Night (fantasy, wargame) [ dead link ]
Dark Age (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
Darkness of Silverfall (Space Conquest) [ dead link ]
Dragonlords! Fantasy Wargame (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
e-Sim (free, massive, multiplayer, social browser game ) [ dead link ]
Earth Abides (Post Holocaus (Disease), Opera, Society Building) [ dead link ]
Empire Diplomacy (fantasy wargame, diplomacy) [ dead link ]
Empires (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
Fall of Rome (historical web-based computer moderated wargame) [ dead link ]
Fantasy Nations (Fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
Fate of the Known Worlds III (Space Opera, Wargame) [ dead link ]
Feudallords (Medieval wargame with lots of diplomacy) [ dead link ]
Global Combat (Strategic wargame) [ dead link ]
Global Diplomacy (other) (Modern Strategy) [ dead link ]
Grand Prix Racing Online (Free Formula 1 Management Game) [ dead link ]
Green Dragon Adventures (fantasy strategy game) [ dead link ]
Harrison County Government Sim Game (Government, Sim, Online) [ dead link ]
Hatikvah (Modern Israeli Political Simulation) [ dead link ]
Hypereconomic Diplomacy (world simulation/war game) [ dead link ]
Imperium (medieval war mmorpg) [ dead link ]
Irish Political Sim (Irish political simulation) [ dead link ]
JAFL (Free PBEM Football Manager Game) [ dead link ]
K1k / Crazbyia (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
King of Kings: Albion II (Arthurian Britain scenario wargame) [ dead link ]
Kingdoms of Arcania (fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
Kosmor - Forces of the Galaxies (space trade diplomacy and warfare) [ dead link ]
L'univers du Flow (fantasy) [ dead link ]
LeBR3 - Birthright (Fantasy RPG/wargame) [ dead link ]
Legends: Blood Tides Rising 3 Explorer (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
Lords of Theeurth (Large scale fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
Merchant Raider 4.3 (feudal empires at sea) [ dead link ]
Middle Earth Play by Mail (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
MORASHITAR (Sword & Sorcery) [ dead link ]
NetNations (Modern, Political Simulator) [ dead link ]
Nim International (nation, simulator, simulation, wargame, cold war) [ dead link ]
PARANOIA Live (Dystopian, Humourous, Sci-fi) [ dead link ]
Phoenix (Fantasy, Strategy) [ dead link ]
PLAYtoSOR (Be the best e-truchmuche producer) [ dead link ]
Power of Nations (World Simulator) [ dead link ]
Pro Soccer Simulator (Soccer management) [ dead link ]
Qpawn Ireland (Politics, Government, Sim, Politician, Forum. Election, bills) [ dead link ]
Qpawn UK (UK government simulation) [ dead link ]
Qpawn- World Leader Simulator (World leader and politics and war) [ dead link ]
Quest for Arrakis II (Dune AU) [ dead link ]
Raider (War at Sea) [ dead link ]
Renaissance online (historical) [ dead link ]
Rogue Spy (spy theme) [ dead link ]
Roman Imperium (Roman political game) [ dead link ]
Royal Kingdoms (medieval strategy game) [ dead link ]
Serim Ral 2nd Edition (fantasy wargames) [ dead link ]
Shogunate: Warlords of the Rising Sun (Strategic Wargame) [ dead link ]
Sim Game (Business Simulation) [ dead link ]
Simuland.net (Firm simulation game) [ dead link ]
Soccer Mania (soccer) [ dead link ]
Spaceplan (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
Speculate (Economics) [ dead link ]
Star Corp (Space economic strategy) [ dead link ]
Star Trek Strategy PBeM (space strategy wargame) [ dead link ]
Star Wars: A Fading Hope (star wars saga edition) [ dead link ]
SwordLands PBeM (Medieval Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
SYMMACHIA (diplomatic pbm in the hellenistic world (229 BC)) [ dead link ]
Tales of the Haven Expanse (space opera) [ dead link ]
TCW Fantasy Wrestling (Play By mail wrestling league) [ dead link ]
Terelihm: Mono A Many (DND 3.5 World Exploration) [ dead link ]
Terra Online (Economical Geo-political Eame) [ dead link ]
That Movie Game (Hollywood Simulation Game) [ dead link ]
The Dawn OF time (BB Rpg) [ dead link ]
The Five Boroughs (New York City Council Political Game) [ dead link ]
The Roman Republic (alternate history, Rome, RPG) [ dead link ]
The Starfleet Tali Corps (Space Opera) [ dead link ]
The Walls of China (pbe-mail board game) [ dead link ]
The Weapon (war and strategy in space) [ dead link ]
the World of Manager (fantasy sports) [ dead link ]
Third Millenium (web-based space exploration and conquest) [ dead link ]
Tides of War: New Dawn (Message Board 4x) [ dead link ]
Time of Conflict (modern Geo-Political) [ dead link ]
Torn City (RPG) [ dead link ]
Travian (Browser, war, tribes, village, rule, conquer) [ dead link ]
UCFL - Ulimate Challenge Football League (Football (Soccer) Management) [ dead link ]
Ultimate Diplomacy (Diplomacy Variant set in the Middle Ages) [ dead link ]
Union System (Star Trek simulation) [ dead link ]
United Nations V3 (Political Wargame) [ dead link ]
United States Government Simulation (roleplaying, government, politics) [ dead link ]
Universal Business 7 (space opera) [ dead link ]
VGA Planets 3.0 [ dead link ]
Wakenipa Sports Exchange - Rugby World Cup 2007 (Fantasy sports) [ dead link ]
War & Peace III (historical, wargame, strategy, turn-based) [ dead link ]
War of the Clans - Expansion -- Return to the Pentagon Worlds (Battletech, wargame, open ended) [ dead link ]
World Alliances and Rivalries (modern, geopolitical, rpg) [ dead link ]
World In Peril (Modern Nation Sim) [ dead link ]
WW2 The Big One (wargame) [ dead link ]
Years of Anguish (political rpg) [ dead link ]
You Play It (Board Games) [ dead link ]
Zaidan-Tai (Fantasy roleplaying on a strategic level) [ dead link ]
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Greg Lindahl