Games in this category:
- 1066 (Dark Ages,Political & Wargame)
- 1776 (wargame)
- 1939 World Wide Battle Plan (Wargame)
- A War of Empires (alternate historical)
- ACW Western Theater 1864 (wargame)
- Adventure Kings (Fantasy, RPG, Wargame, Email)
- Adventurer Kings (fantasy wargame and adventures)
- Age of Conquest (Ancient era strategy wargame)
- Age of Wonders (fantasy wargame)
- Agenda:004 (modern nation simulation)
- Ancient Battles (wargame)
- Arcane Journeys (Web-based Fantasy&Sci-fi single player games)
- Ashes of Empire, the (strategic space game)
- Atlantic U-Boat Campaign WW2 (wargame,mastered,Free)
- Austerlitz (historical (Napoleonic) wargame)
- Austerlitz - Der Aufstieg des Adlers (historical wargame)
- Battle Plan (Wargame - conquer Europe)
- Britannia (Historical boardgame)
- Clash of Legends (Fantasy wargame)
- clash of steel (ww2 europe strategy)
- Critical Collapse (Economic war game)
- Darkness of Silverfalls (SciFi)
- Diplomacy Ludomaniac (strategy diplomacy)
- Dominions (fantasy wargame)
- Dragonlords (Fantasy wargame)
- Empire (Fantasy Wargame)
- Empire Deluxe (wargame)
- Empyrean Dynasty (space opera freeform strategy game)
- Engle Matrix Games (mystery, horror, spy, wargame)
- English Civil War (Historical UK simulation)
- Far Horizons (Source Code) (space strategy)
- Fate of Millions (trun-based strategy wargame)
- Feudal Lords (Medieval strategy)
- Feudal Lords (other) (Medieval turn-based PBM game)
- Forgotten Realms -- War of the Avatars (fantasy wargame)
- Galac-Tac (space conquest 4X)
- Galactic Conflict (space wargame)
- Galactic Warlords (space strategy wargame)
- Galaxy (strategic, economic/military, space opera setting)
- Grand Strategy (Strategy)
- Greyhawk (Military Political )
- HOMM=like Battle Royale (Fantasy competitive turn based)
- Hyborian War (fantasy wargame)
- Hyperdrive II (Space exploration and conquest)
- Iridear: Land of the 5 temples (war diplomacy strategy fantasy)
- JASTA (WW1 air combat wargame)
- Laser Squad Nemesis (two player, squad level, email strategy game)
- Legends (English) (Fantasy mixed Role Playing and Empire)
- Legends (German) (Strategic Fantasy)
- Lizards! (Fantasy wargame)
- Lords of Gyrne (Fantasy Strategy Wargame)
- Maryannu (Historic wargame)
- Medieval Warlords (Historical strategic wargame)
- Meeting Engagement (sci-fi capital ship war game)
- Mega Hyper Galactic Conquest (MHGC) (Space conquest stategic wargame)
- Miller Systems WW2 Campaign (Global Strategy)
- Mobius I (Science Fiction / Conquer the Galaxy)
- Mythicor (Strategic Fantasy)
- Napoleonic Battles (wargame)
- Napoleonic Empires (Historical strategy wargame)
- New 1000 AD (Strategy)
- Nuclear Destruction (wargame)
- Olympia: The Age of Gods (fantasy)
- Pelagoria (strategy, political, exploration, wargame,)
- Premier empire (napoleonic wargame)
- PROMETHEUS (Civilisation Clone)
- Rainbow's End (Empire building wargame)
- Reach for an Empire (grand strategy)
- Shogunate (Historical strategy wargame)
- Sniper Free For All (wargame)
- Space Conquest (Strategi, Wargame)
- Space Wing: Void Patrol (space fighters dogfights)
- Sphere of Influence (historical strategy)
- StarCluster (space strategy)
- Stars! (space opera)
- Starweb (Science Fiction Simulation)
- Sucessors (Historic wargame)
- Total Warfare (Fantasy Land Conquest)
- Tribes! It's 50,000 BC - Do you know where your kids are? (Tribal Social Game)
- Trolls Bottom (Fun Fantasy)
- Tryn-Trava ( (fantasy funny wargame)
- War for Sienna Minor II ( War of the Power Stones) (fantasy wargame)
- War of Wizards (Strategy Fantasy Turn Based Game)
- WAR OF WIZARDS (fantasy empire building game of magic)
- Warlord (Wargame)
- World Conquest (wargame)
- World Wide Battle Plan (wargame)
- Aevum Obscurum (strategy, historical, empires in 1300 Europe, risk like) [ dead link ]
- Age of Rifles (pc wargame, XIXth century) [ dead link ]
- Alamaze (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Archipel (corsair wargame) [ dead link ]
- Ars Regendi (Nation-building game) [ dead link ]
- Austerlitz - The Rise of the Eagle (Historical Simulation) [ dead link ]
- Barbarians at the Gate (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Civil War OnLine (U.S. Civil War Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Clans (Fantasy Empire Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Commander - Europe at War (Strategic WW2 turn based strategy in the vein of Panzer General. ) [ dead link ]
- Covert Operations (Wargame, Conspiracy, Economic) [ dead link ]
- Creatures of the Night (fantasy, wargame) [ dead link ]
- Dark Age (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Darkness of Silverfall (Space Conquest) [ dead link ]
- Dawn - Birthright PBeM (fantacy, role-play, wargame, diplomacy, strategy) [ dead link ]
- Dino Wars (Prehistoric Conquest) [ dead link ]
- Domination (strategy) [ dead link ]
- Dragonlords! Fantasy Wargame (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Empire Diplomacy (fantasy wargame, diplomacy) [ dead link ]
- Empire Forge (free fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- Empires at War 1805 (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
- End of Empires (alternate history world war 2 game) [ dead link ]
- Fall of Rome (historical web-based computer moderated wargame) [ dead link ]
- Feudallords (Medieval wargame with lots of diplomacy) [ dead link ]
- Galactic Conqueror (strategic, economic/military, space opera setting) [ dead link ]
- Galaxy PLUS (diplomatic sf wargame, free, strategy, most popular PBeM game in Russia) [ dead link ]
- Global Combat (Strategic wargame) [ dead link ]
- Gondor, Battle of the Lost Realms (Fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- Hexem II (Very simple wargame) [ dead link ]
- Hivewars (Exploration Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Hoplite Encounter (Wargame set in Classical Greece) [ dead link ]
- Imperium (medieval war mmorpg) [ dead link ]
- King of Kings: Albion II (Arthurian Britain scenario wargame) [ dead link ]
- Kingdoms of Arcania (fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- Legends: Blood Tides Rising 3 Explorer (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Merchant Raider 4.3 (feudal empires at sea) [ dead link ]
- Middle Earth Play by Mail (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Militarizm:Generals (wargame, Russian language only ) [ dead link ]
- Morne Plaine (Napoleonian wargame) [ dead link ]
- Naruto D20: Cursed (fantasy naruto d20) [ dead link ]
- Nebula (Space conquest) [ dead link ]
- Nim International (nation, simulator, simulation, wargame, cold war) [ dead link ]
- Origins of World War II (AH) (Political/Strategic) [ dead link ]
- Panzer General 2 (War game, WW2 simulation, PBEM club, ) [ dead link ]
- Phoenix Command (Modern Counter-terrorism) [ dead link ]
- Raider (War at Sea) [ dead link ]
- Rise and Fall (Strategic Roman Empire v. Barbarians) [ dead link ]
- Risky Wars! (Abstract wargame) [ dead link ]
- Royal Kingdoms (medieval strategy game) [ dead link ]
- RSW (Science fiction simulation) [ dead link ]
- Serim Ral (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Serim Ral 2nd Edition (fantasy wargames) [ dead link ]
- Shogunate: Warlords of the Rising Sun (Strategic Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Spiral Arm (Space Strategy) [ dead link ]
- Star Trek Fleet Simulator (Star Trek PBB Fleet Simulation RPG) [ dead link ]
- Star Trek Strategy PBeM (space strategy wargame) [ dead link ]
- The Blood Queen - Crimson Demise (Vampire, Post-Apoctlyptic) [ dead link ]
- The Weapon (war and strategy in space) [ dead link ]
- Third Millenium (web-based space exploration and conquest) [ dead link ]
- VGA Planets 3.0 [ dead link ]
- War of the Dark God (fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- War to Glory (Historical Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Weewar (Turnbased strategy Web game (modern cenario)) [ dead link ]
- World at War (wargame) [ dead link ]
- World of Kaomaris (Multiplayer conquest of a map by diplomacy and warfare.) [ dead link ]
- World War II Simulation (realistic WWII wargame) [ dead link ]
- Xyhora (fantasy strategy) [ dead link ]
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