SCA Juried Merchants List: Fiber Arts
- Blackwood Jewellery
- Inkle-woven garters with hand-made fittings
- Period Perceptions
- fiber arts tools including spindles, combs, looms, embroidery frames and more
- Huntington Antiques
- Antique Tapestries
- Margo Anderson's Historic Costume Patterns
- Historically accurate sewing patterns for Renaissance garb.
- Reconstructing History
- Embroidery threads for every level of experience, from Splendor silk to hand-dyed European crewel wools
- Maison Rive
- I sometimes have access to good, low-priced sheep's fleece. ($2.50 to $5.00/lb US). I've worked with historic fiber arts for 25 years- if you give me a time& place, I can tell you which of my fleece would be closest _in type and texture_ to their fleece. (The actual breed, usually not... Even the few ancient breeds still around have almost all been "improved" into something unrecognizable.)
- Fettered Cock Pewters
- We sell replica thimbles, sewing kits, handmade lucets, bone needles and awls.
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Disclaimer: Do not mistake this list for an official statement by or
publication of the SCA, Inc. It is the personal opinion of Gregory Blount (Greg
Lindahl.) I have not verified any claim made by any merchant. However,
I would like to hear if you had a bad experience with any merchant
on the list, or you feel that a merchant on the list doesn't live
up to the list criteria.
Gregory Blount / Greg Lindahl