Acanthus Books
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- address
- 830 W. Main, #150 Lake Zurich, IL 60047
- phone
- (847) 726-9811
- fax
- (847) 726-9811
- description
- Affordable reprints of antique cookbooks. Culinary history titles. US & UK book search. Special orders welcome. MC/VISA accepted.
- Books
- Facsimile and unabridged reprints of antique US and UK cookbooks. Period recipe compilations.
- Modern
- US and UK culinary history titles. English Civil War period. US Civil War period. Hard to find 20th c. UK cookbooks including the works of Elizabeth David and Jane Grigson. Complete Oxford Symposium on Food & Cookery, and Leeds Symposium on Food History series.
- Miscellaneous
- Reprint of period etiquette manuals.
- Cooking Supplies
- Facsimile and unabridged reprints of antique US and UK cookbooks. Period recipe compilations.
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publication of the SCA, Inc. It is the personal opinion of Gregory Blount (Greg
Lindahl.) I have not verified any claim made by any merchant. However,
I would like to hear if you had a bad experience with any merchant
on the list, or you feel that a merchant on the list doesn't live
up to the list criteria.
Gregory Blount / Greg Lindahl