Letter: Re: Bransles

[ This article appeared in volume 4 of the Letter of Dance. ]

from: George Orwell

Just thought I'd add a note re: Bransles. I usually don't see bransle suites tried in the SCA, although they are mentioned in Arbeau. Bransle suites can give the opportunity to dance some of the simpler bransles in a more interesting fashion.

One suite I learned in Ealdormere and that is also done here in Castel Rouge involves dancing the bransles Cassandra, Pinagay, Charlotte, War, & Aridan one after the other. We use the music from "Washerwomen, War and Pease." The dances are played on this recording about two to three times each, one after the other, with a slight pause in between. I find this much more interesting than dancing the same bransle over and over many times.

Has anyone else tried arranging some of the bransles into suites?

George Orwell

Webbed by Gregory Blount of Isenfir (Greg Lindahl) (lindahl@pbm.com)