Letter of Dance: Ordering Information

Subscriptions (8 issues, published approximately quarterly) $12 to US addresses, $14 to Canadian Addresses, $20 elsewhere.

   Book 1      issues 1-8   OUT OF PRINT
Book 2issues 9-16$5 from Katherine, nearly out of print
Book 3issues 17-24OUT OF PRINT
Book 4issues 25-32$15 from Katherine
Book 5issues 33-40   $15 from Cafe Press or from Katherine   
Book 6issues 41-48$15 from Cafe Press or from Katherine

Book overseas rates higher; contact Katherine for details.

Back issues: Single Issues (33-35, 40-47), each $1 to US or Canada, $2 elsewhere Double Issues (36/37, 38/39), each $2 to US or Canada, $3 elsewhere.

The Tape of Dance CDs are currently being sold by Eric Praetzel, at http://sca.uwaterloo.ca/~praetzel/CD-offer.html.

All prices are in US dollars. All checks should be made out to Catherine Dean in US dollars. If you cannot send a check or money order in US dollars, please contact the editor for alternate payment options. These prices include shipping (ground in North America, airmail elsewhere) unless otherwise noted. Dealer inquiries are welcome. Contact the editor for further information.

New subscriptions and orders for stock should be directed to: Catherine Dean, 6900 Chelton Rd., Richmond, VA 23228. catherinedean@gmail.com.

Katherine Mercer,
Editor, Letter of Dance

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Webbed by Gregory Blount of Isenfir (Greg Lindahl)