The dance is a circle dance for couples. The men form a circle facing outwards, their partners form a circle outside them, facing towards them. |
Origins |
It was thought that for many years the dance came from the central West Kingdom, as that's where Mistress Rowan Perigrynne spent most of her time while shopping for Kingdoms for Lochac to join. Unfortunately nobody in the West, after we went back to them some years later, could remember the dance or place where it came from. We thought it may have been one of those forgotten secrets of the West Kingdom. We managed to solve the riddle of where this dance came from only recently. It appears to have been choreographed in Caid by Mistress Huette in 1979, who passed it on to Rowan while she was in Caid, who brought it out to Lochac. It has mutated over time, as these things tend to do. Huette writes: The reason I called the dance Sans Serif is that it was supposed to be the Baronial Dance of the Barony of the Angels [angel/seraph, get it?] and the Baroness at that time was very much into Calligraphy. There is a calligraphy style called Sans Serif. A double pun. |
Part A |
1 - 4 |
Double left and three kicks. |
5 - 8 |
Double right and three kicks. |
Do the above 4 times. |
Part B |
The men DL into the center of the circle, meeting left shoulder to left shoulder, clap, and then DR out of the circle turning over their right shoulders. At the same time, the ladies DL away from the circle, then DR back towards the circle, turning over their right shoulders. |
Do the above 4 times. |
Part C |
The men DL into the center of the circle, meeting left shoulder to left shoulder, clap, and then DR out of the circle and forwards (anticlockwise) into the place of the man in front of them. At the same time, the ladies DL away from the circle, then DR back towards the circle and also forwards (clockwise) into the place of the lady in front of them. The net effect of this is that the lords will have advanced one place anticlockwise, and the ladies will have advanced one place clockwise, and each person will have skipped the partner of the person in front of them, and will be dancing with the partner of the person two places in front of them. |
Do the above 4 times. The dance then continues until the music runs out. |
Alternative versions |
The dance sequence shown above is A-4, B-4, C-4. Another common dance sequence that I have seen is (with the same steps) are A-2, B-2, C-3, D-1. Alternatively the dance can be done with partners in a circle as for the other circle bransles, with all dancers facing the center of the circle. |