An Italian Dance Vocabulary

a (ad) prep. to, at, by, in the manner of

al, alla cont. to the (al = a il, alla = al la)

allargare verb to spread to widen

alquanto adv.., & adj., somewhat

alto adj. high, in the air

altretanto adv. the same, as much

altro adj. & pron other, other one

alzare verb to raise

amendue (ambedue) adj. & pron. both

anco (anche) adv. also, too, even

ancora adv. yet, again, more

andare verb to go, to proceed

appareggiare verb to approach, to bring together

appresso adj. & adv. next, following, near, after

atorno adv. around, about, (turned?)

avvertire verb to warn, to notice

avvertendo being careful to

balletto noun dance suite

ballo noun dance, the dance set

battere verb to beat, to strike

battuta noun beat, stamp

botta noun beat, stroke, thrust

braccio noun arm

brève breve note (our whole note)

calare verb to lower

calcagno noun heel

cambiare verb to change, to exchange

capo noun head, end (of a hall, etc.)

cavaliero noun gentleman

ché pron. that, which, who; con. than, because

chiamare verb to call

chiamato called, named

ciascuno adj. each, every

cioè adv. that is, to wit

ciò pron. this, that per ciò therefore

come, como, com' conj as, how, like, since

come di sopra as above

cominciare verb to begin

con prep. with

co'l cont. con+il

contrario noun & adj. opposite

per contrario the opposite way, side, foot, etc.

contro prep. & adv. against, opposing, facing

cosa noun thing

da prep. from, to, at, through, by

dal, dalla cont. dal = da il, dalla = da la

dama noun lady

dare verb to give

dando giving

dentro adv. & prep. inside, within

destro adj. right (side)

detto adj. called, said

come s'è detto as was said

dette di sopra the above said

di prep. of,from, in

del, dalla cont. del = di il, della = di la

dietro prep. & adv. behind, backward

discostaresi verb to distance onself

discosta adj. distant, far

disegno noun illustration

distante adj. distant, far

dito noun finger, finger-width (inch?)

dopo, adv. & prep. after, afterwards, then

dove adv. where

dritto adj. straight correct

eccetto adv. & pron. except, unless

esso pron. he, it

faccia noun face

faccia a faccia face to face

fare verb to do, to make

fermare verb to stop, to stand

noun hand, palm?

fiancheggiati flankingly, i.e., diagonally

fianco noun side, flank

fila noun line, row

finalmente adv. finally

finire verb to finish

finto feigned

fuori adv. & pron. out, outside

gamba noun leg

ginocchio noun knee

girare verb to turn round

giungere verb to join, to arrive at, to meet

gli pron. to him, to her

gratia noun grace

grave slow, grave

guidare verb to lead

ha verb have, has

harà, haveranno will have

hora now

huomo noun man

in prospettiva at an angle to each other

inarborare verb to stick out

inchino noun inclination, bow

incontro prep. towards, facing, meeting

all'incontro adv. facing, opposite

indietro adv. back, behind, backward

innanzi adv. before, in front, forward

insieme adv. together, at the same time

intorno adv. around, about, (turning?)

intrecciate noun braid, hey

istesso, stesso adj. & pron. same, the same time

larghezza noun width

lasciare verb to let go, release

laquale pron. who, that which

lato noun side

levare verb to raise

levandosi raises itself

lontano adj. distant

luogo noun place

ma conj. but

mano fem. noun hand

medesimo adj & pron. the same, self

mettere verb to put, to place, to set

mezzo adj. half, middle, between

minima adj. minimal; noun minim note

modo noun manner, style

mostrare verb to show

mutanza noun variation

mutatione noun variation

nel, nella cont. in il, in la

nuovo adj. new

ò conj. or

ogni adj. each, every

ove adv. where, whereas

palmo noun palm, palm's-width (4"?)

pareggiare verb to make even

pari adj. equal, even

a piede pari with equal weight on both feet

passeggiare verb to promenade, to progress

passere verb to pass

passetto noun short step

passo noun step

per prep. by, through, because of in order to

però conj. but, yet

perché conj. because, while, why

persona noun person, body, self

piè, piède noun foot, feet

piegare verb to bend

pigliare verb to clasp, to enfold

più adj. more

poco noun & adj. little, a little

poi adv. then

porre verb to place, to put

porlo put it

posare verb to pose, to lay, to put down

predette adj. aforesaid

presto adj. quick

principiare verb to begin

punta noun point, tip, toe

pure adv. also,too

quali pron. which, who

quando adv. when

quello adj & pron. that, that one, those

questo adj.& pron. this,this one, these

restare verb to come to rest, to remain

ritirare verb to retire, to draw back

ritornare verb to return

rotta noun wheel

ruota noun wheel

sala noun room, hall

saltino noun little jump

semibreve semibreve note (our half note)

sempre adv. always

senza adv. without

si pron. he, she, they, oneself, each other

similmente adv. similarly

sinistro adj. left

solo adj. alone

sopra prep. & adv. above, over, onto

sopradetta adj. above said

sotto prep. & adv. under,lower, underneath

spianato adj. flattened

spingere verb to thrust, to push

stare verb to stand, to stay, to be located

stando standing

stese adj. straight, stretched

stesso adj & pron. same, the same

su adv. & prep. up, on top, on

sul, sulla cont. sul = su il, sulla = su la

subito adv. immediately

suo poss. adj. his, her, their

suono noun music

tanto adj& adv. so much, so far, such

tempo noun time, speed, phrase of music

tenere verb to hold, to have, to keep

terra noun ground

tirare verb to pull, to drag

toccare verb to touch

toccandosi touching one another

tornare verb to return, to recur

tornare à fare to do again

treccia noun braid

trovare verb to find

trovarsi to find oneself,to be situated, to meet

tutti pron. everyone, everything

tutto adj. &adv. whole, all, quite

ultimo adj. last

verso noun verse, way, reverse

viso noun face

vita noun body, torso

volgere verb to turn

volti turned

volta a turn, a "time", a repeat