This balletto for four people (two couples) is one of the less complex dances in Negri's book, and the first one listed in the section of the book that deals with Balli (section 3). It starts with 4 people standing in the middle of the floor, in a circle facing inwards. The dance has seven figures, each figure has three parts (A, B, and C). Parts B and C of each figure are identical, and only part A changes throughout the dance. |
Figure 1 Part A |
1 - 2 |
RvML |
This is a "riverenza breve" -- done in two bars in the same way as a riverenza minima, concluding with a small jump. |
3 - 4 |
SgL |
Seguito, stepping to the left around the circle. |
5 - 6 |
Two fioretti1, left then right. |
7 - 8 |
SgL |
Seguito, stepping to the left again. |
Part B |
9 - 10 |
SpL SpL SpL CdL |
Three sottopiede, followed by a cadenza. |
11 |
TbR |
Trabuchetto, to the right. |
12 |
SgL |
Seguito left, turning on the spot. |
13 - 14 |
SpR SpR SpR CdR |
Three sottopiede, followed by a cadenza, this time travelling to the right. |
15 |
TbL |
Trabuchetto to the left. |
16 |
SgR |
Seguito right, turning on the spot. |
Part C |
17 - 18 |
PsGRb PsGLb |
Two passi backwards, right then left. |
19 - 20 |
SgL |
Seguito left, moving forwards into place. |
21 - 22 |
PsGRb PsGLb |
Two passi backwards, again beginning on the right. |
23 - 24 |
SgR |
Seguito right, moving forwards into place. |
Figure 2 |
Part A -- Ladies only |
1 - 2 |
Step forwards into the center of the circle, so as to move closer together. |
3 - 4 |
SgL |
Seguito on the left foot, moving past each other right shoulder to right shoulder, and around into each other's places. |
5 - 6 |
SzR SzL |
Two spezzati, moving back around the circle to the right. |
7 - 8 |
SgR |
Seguito back into place with the right foot. |
Part B & C |
Ladies only repeat part B above. All repeat part C above. |
Figure 3 |
Repeat figure 2, this time the men doing what the ladies did. |
Figure 4 Part A All dancing around the circle to the left. |
1 - 4 |
SzL SzR SgL |
Facing to the left, moving around the circle. |
5 - 8 |
SzR SzL SgR |
Continuing to move around the circle to the left. |
Part B & C |
All repeat parts B and C above. |
Figure 5 |
Part A |
1 |
PsL PsR |
Two passi, left then right. These are one beat each, done towards the opposite lady. |
2 |
TbL TbR |
Trabuchetto left then right. |
3 - 4 |
SgL |
Seguito left, moving shoulder to shoulder around the opposite lady. |
5 |
PsR PsL |
Two steps, left then right, moving back towards your original place. |
6 |
TbR TbL |
Trabuchetto right then left, back to back with the opposite lady. |
7 - 8 |
SgR |
Seguito left back into place. |
Part B & C |
Ladies only repeat part B above. All repeat part C above. |
Figure 6 |
Repeat figure 5, this time the men doing what the ladies did. |
Figure 7 Part A |
1 - 4 |
SzL SzR SgL |
Two spezzati and a seguito around your partner, taking right arms. |
5 - 8 |
SzR SzL SgR |
Two spezzati and a seguito around your contrary, taking left arms. |
Part B & C |
All repeat parts B and C above. |
1Negri says "fioretti spezzati", but doesn't actually give any description of what a fiorettio spezatto is. Ordinary fioretti fit the music, so that is what I have used.