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Petit Riense

Source: 15th century Italian; Joy and Jealousy

Setting: 3 people in a line

Version: 1.0

A: (8 bars in piva (6/8), repeated twice.)

  1-8 (twice) 16 Pive, starting on left.

B: (4 bars in piva (6/8), played 3 times.)

 9-12 Man 1 4 Pive (starting left) to leave the group,
 9-12 Woman 4 Pive to catch up with Man 1,
 9-12 Man 2 4 Pive to catch up.

C: (2 bars in piva (6/8), played 3 times.)

13-14 Man 1 Doppio (starting left) to leave the group,
13-14 Woman doppio to catch up with Man 1,
13-14 Man 2 doppio to catch up.

D: (2 bars in piva (6/8), played 3 times.)

15-16 Man 1 and Woman take hands and reverenza right,
15-16 Woman and Man 2 take hands and reverenza right,
15-16 All 3 reverenza left.

E: (8 bars in piva (6/8).)

17-18 Doppio left backwards, moving away from each other,
19-20 doppio right forwards, moving towards each other,
21-22 Ripresa left and right
23-24 Voltatonda (on left, turning left).

Repeat dance.

Disclaimer: a cheat sheet does not do justice to explaining how to properly do a 15th century Italian dance.


This dance is quite easy to teach. It consists of an opening section, 3 solo sections, and a final part. It can be entertaining to do it on a densely-packed dance floor.