Source: Mabel Dolmetsch's embellishment of the Quadran Pavan, set to music from Parenthia (1612).
Setting: A processional line of couples.
Version: 1.1
A ``pavane set'' consists of 2 singles and a double.
A: 1- 4
Pavane set forward starting on the left,5- 8
branle out, branle in, double right backward (away from musicians).9-12
Pavane set forward starting on the left, face partner,13-16
branle up the hall, branle down the hall,face partner, double right backward (away from partner).
B: 17-20
Pavan set forward starting on the left (passing partner by the left),21-22
2 singles starting on the right to turn in place to face partner,23-24
double left backwards away from partner.25-28
2 singles starting on the left, take hands, double left to return to place,29-32
branle up the hall, branle down the hall, double right backwards(away from musicians).
A friend helpfully pointed out that this dance consists of a pavane set (single, single double), something taking 2 measures, double right backwards in some direction.
The Rose & Nephyr has 2 versions of this; I'm not sure if the dance presented above is the one Dolmetsch wrote, or a variation, but this is the version that I see danced.