Source: Arbeau
Setting: A line or circle of dancers.
Version: 1.1
A: 1- 4
Double left,5- 6
kick left, kick right,7-10
double right.11-20
Repeat.B: 21-24
Double left,25-26
kick left, kick right,27-28
single right,29-31
kick left, right, left,32-33
single left,34-36
kick right, left, right,37-38
double right.
This dance is generally written in modern editions with some measures in 4/4 and some in 6/4. The numbers above represent beats, not measures. Occasionally you will see the B section repeated; Arbeau has no repeat in his music. Insert capriole at the end as desired.
The way that I remember which way to kick is as follows: if it's 2 kicks, then you kick with your outside foot first; so if you're moving to the left, kick with your left foot first. If it's 3 kicks, kick with your inside foot first. You have always just stepped on your inside foot, so kicking with the outside foot is more natural.