PREV UP NEXT SCA Dance Cheat Sheets


Source: 15th century Italian; Joy and Jealousy

Setting: one couple

Version: 1.0

A: (4 bars of quadernaria (4/4) repeated 3 times)

    1-4 (3 times) 12 Pive (starting left)

B: (3.5 bars of quadernaria (4/4) repeated twice)

  5-7.5 Man leaves woman with 2 steps (starting left), 1 piva, 3 steps
        (ending on a half-bar).
  5-7.5 Woman same to catch up.

C: (3.5 bars of quadernaria (4/4) repeated twice)

 9-11.5 Man leaves woman with 3 pive (starting left), step (ending on
        a half-bar).
 9-11.5 Woman same to catch up.

D: (8.5 bars of quadernaria (4/4) repeated twice)

  13-15 Man leaves woman with 2 steps (starting left), piva, 2 steps,
     16 Man finishes with step right, and mezavolta to face woman
        (note that the mezavolta takes time, and that the dance phrasing
        does not match the music at this point in the dance),
     17 Both reverenza left,
18-20.5 Man returns with 3 pive (starting left), step (ending on a
  13-21 Repeat D with woman leaving.

The entire dance then repeats, with the woman doing everything first.


Although listed as difficulty=1 in Joy and Jealousy, this dance is difficult for me because of the half bars, and the fact that the musical phrases do not match the dance phrases in section D.

Disclaimer: a cheat sheet does not do justice to explaining how to properly do a 15th century Italian dance.