Transcription of Caroso's Il Ballarino (1581) -- Credits

The following people helped transcribe and proofread Il Ballarino:

Rachael Zavodnyik (Sybille la Chatte) did about 75% of the typing, and deserves our eternal gratitude.
Roz Howie (Elaine Llanelli)
Richard Krajewski ()
Greg Lindahl (Gregory Blount) proof-read the entire thing, and still didn't catch all the errors!
Vivian Stephens (Rosina del Bosco Chiaro)
Del Elson (Delbert von Straßburg)
Andrew Draskóy (Miklós Sándorfia)
Michael Schilder (Ansfrid)
Janelle Duram (Janelyn of Fenmere)

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Gregory Blount of Isenfir (