University Atlantia # 38 (April 8, 1995)

Welcome to University Atlantia #38.

April 8th, the College of Rencester will host the 38th session of the University of Atlantia, on the campus of William and Mary, in Williamsburg, Virginia. The site opensf at 8:30. Registration will open at 9:15. Classes will run from 10:00 to 6:30.

Tuition: We request that you pay an admittance fee of $5 to cover operating expenses (such as this catalog). Note: although we need your money to run University at break-even, we are more interested in your participation than we are in your money. If you cannot afford to pay, please attend anyway as our guest. Pay your tuition by learning all you can and then giving freely of your knowledge to others. The non-member surcharge imposed by SCA Inc will not be levied at this event.

Babysitter: We will have child care for the day at the rate of $5 per child.

Food: There will not be a feast at this event. You are invited to brown-bag, pot-luck with friends, or take advantage of the truly excellent eateries available in Williamsburg.

Crash Space: Rencester is a College; so they are not rolling in crash space. But contact the site autocrat, Thomas Lyon of Braemar, mka Thomas Gideon (804) 565-0945 email: If you cannot reach Thomas, contact the seneschale, Muireann ni Riordain, mka Jessica Wilbur (804) 221-4691 email:

Hotel: The autocrat recommends The Days Inn Pottery, by the Williamsburg Pottery Factory, (804) 565-0090. They have a room rate of $35. (N.B. I made reservations there and was quoted a price of $37. Ask when you call -- Corun

Directions: Take your best route to I-64. Take exit 238, Camp Peary, Colonial Williamsburg exit. Turn RIGHT onto 143 East. Go 1/2 mile to 2nd stoplight, turn RIGHT onto 132 South. Continue for 2.3 miles. Turn RIGHT onto Ireland Street (the street after the 3rd light). Go to the end of the block, turn RIGHT onto S. Boundary St. Turn at first LEFT (into college). Park in parking area at end of street.

The Chancellor's Corner

I'm very pleased to offer you such a wide selection of high quality classes, this session. Profound thanks are due to this session's deans: Tadhg macAedain, Corun MacAnndra, Tehair MacDiarmada, & Deirdre O'Siodhachain, all of whom did a fine job and exhibited superhuman understanding and patience while I handed out chunks of creative control with trembling, miserly hands. So, what you see before you is a truly collaborative effort. If you like what you see, praise the deans; any lack is mine, as I stirred the pot last.

The job of 'dean' is pretty open-ended and is renewed on a session by session basis. If you are interested in sampling a chunk of my job as UA Chancellor for UA #39, please contact me and I will answer your questions. I am on the lookout for my successor and working as a dean is a good way to see if you would enjoy the office. Generally, I would be after you to provide a track or two of classes; but I will entertain other projects if you have something in mind.

There are quite a few tracks this session: newcomers (Tehair), brewing (Tadhg), Women's Studies (Deirdre), Cooking (Tehair), Leisure, Music (Corun), Dance (Corun), Heraldry, and Leather. Sprinkled in with all of that are the usual unclassified classes.

I want to call your attention to two threads of activity that are particularly worth watching through the day. One is the College of St. Catherine. Deirdre et al have gently persuaded me to "grant charter" to a college focusing on philosophies and disciplines that they deem of particular interest to women. The other is the Cordwainers' Guild, also a University construct. Damon Argent et al will be exploring, through the medium of persona play, certain aspects of what they think a medieval guild would be like. Both of these groups are showing all the signs of having Too Much Fun<tm> and I invite you to keep an eye on them.

Autocrats: I have had five or six casual inquiries about hosting the next session of University, first weekend in July. I have answered these persons' questions and encouraged them to contact me when they find a site. But, at this writing, I have no bids for July UA. If you are interested in hosting, please contact me.

John Strauss				Henricus Bestus
(703) 943-5646				Magister Scholarum		Universitatis Atlantie

Greetings unto the patrons of the Merry Rose,

What follows is the catalog for the 38th session of the University of Atlantia. There were a few last minute changes in the catalog before I shipped it off to Henry for reproduction, and as a result, on course description did not make it into the printed version, and is included here. That course is number 76, Music Notation. The course is shown on the schedule that appears in the middle of the printed catalog, it's just the description that is missing. I apologize for missing that one, but as I said, there were several last minute changes, and life has been somewhat hectic of late. You folks here are the only ones with this course description, and I encourage you all to pass this info on to others who may be interested. I suspect that some sort of notice about this will be posted at the registration area at University also.

In service,

11 - Welcome to Atlantia - Tehair MacDiarmada, Judith von Gruenwald and Gyrth Oldcastle of Ravenspur An introduction to the Society, its history, geography and structure.

12 - What's in a Name? - College of Heralds Learn how to design a name for your persona and get it "copyrighted", as it were, by the heralds' office.

13 - Who's That Dude In The Pointy Hat: Titles of Precedence and Forms of Address - Tirloch of Tallaght How to address people in the society, and recognize royal personages and peers.

14 - What to Bring to a Camping Event and Why - Rosine of Rowenwald and Arn Biorn Bassi Dansson How to stay warm, dry, and comfy at an overnight event.

15 - Devloping a Persona - TBA. A basic look at developing your SCA persona.

16 - Courtesy in the SCA - moderator: Melisande de Belvoir Courtesy is not quite the same as courtliness. This panel discussion will focus on the differences between them, and will provide an open forum for exchange of ideas on fostering courteous behavior at events and elsewhere. As far as possible, the panel will be composed of members of the Queen's Order of Courtesy and the Order of the Rose.

21 - Basic Brewing - Tadhg macAedain uiChonchobhair A basic overview of the various areas of brewing. Meads, beers, wines, cordials--this class touches lightly on all these. Nuts and bolts brewing with recipes to get started on the adventure.

22 - The History of Beer - Othon d Auvergne This class covers the history of classic beer styles including when, where, and how they came into being. Discover the laws that shaped the beers--and the politics that shaped the laws.

23 - The Making of Goode Cordials - Havelyard of Bourne Learn the basics of making fine cordials and liqueurs. Taste, color, clarity--all marks of a fine product for the pleasure of your guests. The class will cover the various techniques used for producing all manner of cordials.

24 - The History of Meads - Terafan Greydragon This class covers the history of meads including when, where, and how they came into being.

25 - Get it Done Quicke - Tadhg macAedain uiChonchobhair Wines and meads were often ready to drink in a matter of days. You see a few in the SCA--but you should see how many recipes there are! Taken only from The Queen s Closet Opened and Sir Kenelm Digbie's The Closet Opened we'll examine about a half dozen out of the horde.

26 - Great Meads - Alistair Mac Millan Patience is a virtue, they say, and in fewer endeavors is that as true as in brewing. Alistair will introduce you to the "great" or "long" meads with plenty of practical how-to information. Learn to make those crystal clear shimmering meads that put a smile on your face.

27 - The Effect of Honey on Meads - Terafan Greydragon The character of any mead is based upon the honey that is used. Terafan explores these effects and discusses the various types of honey that are available.

31 - Family and Kinship Structures - Teleri Talgellawg Of all human institutions, the family is probably the most influential in peoples' lives, yet, until recently, it has been little studied. The words family and kinship evoke definitive images in our minds; but do these images match concepts of family and kinship in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance? This class will explore the evolution of the ideals and realities of family and kinship structures in Europe from late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period.

32 - Property and Dower Rights - Igor Bear The rights of women--single, married, widowed, and remarried widows--to own property and form legal contracts.

33 - The Role of Women in Middle Eastern Society c 670-1600 - Xenophon Vaughn This class will discuss the "real" role of women in various Middle Eastern societies, with special concentration on women in Islam. This class is designed to cover everything from herders and female warriors, to the more controversial subjects such as concubines and "belly-dancers".

34 - The Iconography of the Feminine - Celynen of Stow-on-the-Wold Representations of women through symbols as found in period art. Slides.

35 - Ecclesiastical Women - Berengaria of Caer Mear A brief overview of life in a nunnery with some examination of major figures such as Clare of Assisi and Hildegard of Bingen.

36 - Bradamante - Deirdre O'Siodhachain The Legends of Charlemagne were among the best known of chivalric literature in the Middle Ages. One of the major characters was Bradamante, a rare female knight. What were the expectations and assumptions about her role in the story? Was she an equal or a helpless woman dressed in armor? The discussion will largely be based on Boiardo's Orlando Inammorato.

37 - Christine de Pizan - Elizabeth MacAlester Christine de Pizan was virtually the only professional woman writer of the Middle Ages. This course is intended as an introduction to de Pizan and will cover significant events in the writer's life and her major works.

41 - Workshop on Budgeting & Planning A Feast - moderator: Ysabel Farquahar; Panelists: Winifred Corbet de Wynterwood, Fritz Justin Fritz and Melisande de Belvoir A two-hour moderated panel discussion where those new to cooking feasts will step-by-step plan a menu, determine portion sizes, determine total quantities of ingredients to buy, and prepare a budget, prepare a planning schedule for things to be cooked ahead and to cook on the day of the event for a typical SCA feast for 128 people.

43 - On Medieval Decoration and Presentation of Food: Subtleties - Judith Von Gruenwald Will discuss methods of dressing and presenting food and subtleties in a more Medieval style.

44 - Kitchen Disasters and How to Fix Them - moderator: Tirloch of Tallaght; panelists: Rose of Black Diamond, Igor Medved A one-hour moderated panel discussion on typical kitchen disasters and whether and how to attempt to make that disaster into a success.

46 - For To Serve A Lord: Serving High Table Medievally - panel: Teleri Talgellawg, Micheal Tagh Fasagh, and Ascian McConnell A panel discussion covering 15th and early 16th century sources for Medieval high table service and how they can be adapted for use at Society events.

47 - Kids Can Cook, Too: Getting Children Involved in Feast Preparation - Tehair MacDiarmada and Gwenifvar A group discussion on the types of activities suitable for children to do to help with feast preparations and serving.

51 - The Gilling West Sword - Brok the Badger Examine the history, construction techniques, form and function of a 10th-century Pattern Welded Sword, Anglo-Saxon/Norse.

52 - Investment or Lost Wax Casting - Chirhart Blackstar A period form of metal casting using centrifical force techniques. This one was used more commonly for precious metals, such as silver and gold. Learn the history. Examine the tools, techniques, and rewards.

53 - Sand Casting - Grethfryth An ancient technique for casting brass and bronze. Examine the tools, techniques, and some pretties that come of the effort.

54 - Period Architecture - Stefan of Cambion It wasn't all gothic cathedrals. How to tell gothic from romanesque from tudor. What sort of dwelling your persona would have had.

55 - Castles - Stefan of Cambion Principles of design. Evolution from the wood motte and bailey castles of the Celts to the massive stone edifices surviving today.

56 - The Medieval Chest: Joinery - Dafydd ap Gwystl Construction techniques used in creating medieval chests from the Dark Ages to the Renaissance, with physical examples: lap-joint chests (Viking and six-board) and tongue-and- groove chests (hutches and 10-board, framed and paneled). Dovetailing and advanced techniques will only be mentioned. This class will be equally valuable to the novice woodworker who wants to make a simple medieval box, and to the competent woodworker looking for information on medieval joinery and how they actually did things. There will be an extensive handout illustrating surviving medieval chests and a hands-on examination of reproduction chests. Tools will only be touched on, and the focus will be on re-creating medieval chests with modern tools.

57 - The Medieval Chest: Decoration - Dafydd ap Gwystl This class is a companion to the Joinery class, but it is not necessary for students to take one class to appreciate the other. This class will be an examination of the decoration techniques used on medieval chests from the Dark Ages to the Renaissance: many types of painting, incised carving, chip carving, low-relief carving, tracery, linenfold panels, and so on. The focus will be on the techniques that are simple enough for anyone to use with little or nothing in the way of tools or experience. There will be an extensive handout and a show-and-tell examination of a variety of decorated reproduction chests.

61 - Period Golf - Torquil macTaggart the Steadfast You thought only Scots liked to hit little balls with big sticks? Think again! Such pastimes have been around a lot longer. Study some of the games from Roman times through the Renaissance that eventually became the favorite preoccupation of Scotland. Examine period construction of equipment (clubs, balls, etc.)

62 - Cheating the Cheater: Period Techniques - Kara in Danska & Rabah az-Zafar Cards and dice...learn period techniques employed in the games of chance. Learn some of the tricks of the trade used by individuals and teams to shift the odds. This is not a how-to class--this is class to prove to you that the gambling hells of Atlantia are in fact fair.

63 - Fishing Techniques - Brok the Badger The emphasis will be on Angling, which was considered a gentleman's sport. Including a discussion on the gear needed and how to make your own authentic gear. Other common fish harvesting methods will be briefly discussed. (Brok will play hooky in the afternoon and go fishing somewhere nearby, for it is written that Allah does not subtract from a man's alloted days, that time spent in fishing.)

64 - Game of Go - Students of the Hanashi Go School The ancient Oriental game of strategy. This class will cover the basic rules and conventions of the game. Students will build progressively from 5-line boards to the traditional 19-line board (as time permits).

66 - Dolls in Period - Assar merch Owen This class on period dolls (mainly those of the 15-16th centuries) is geared towards a combined audience of adults and children. The class includes a workshop in doll making for children and young-at-heart adults.

71 - Modern Music Theory for Period Music - Aelfred of Cres The course will provide an introduction to the musical scale, modes, keys, clefs, intervals, consonance, dissonance, and chords. Duration: 1 hour.

72 - Atlantian Choir - Anne of Carthew The Atlantian Choir will practice and perform at the April University. Singers will have a chance to learn and perform period choral music in any range of difficulty, as well as meet singers from across our fair land. Contact Lady Anne of Carthew for more info at (703)427-6271 or

75 - Bardic Arts 101 - Anna MacKenzie Ever wanted to be a bard and just didn't know where to start?? Or perhaps you are a novice bard and would like some more guidance? Then this class is for you! Come learn the basics of bardic courtesy, get some ideas for source material and/or share sources, as well as gaining a basic understanding of the bardic arts in the SCA.

76 - Understanding Music Notation - Alessondrea and Anne of Carthew - How to read and understand modern music notation in order to platy and sing SCA music.

77 - A History of and How to Play the Jew's Harp - Rabah az Zafar A class dealing with the jaw or Jew's harp throughout history, and how to play it without losing your front teeth. There will be several harps for use and sale by the instructor, but if you have one, please bring it.

81 - Manorialism and the Economics Thereof - Esclarmond de Colloure Explores the workings of this most basic economic and social structure of the Middle Ages.

82 - Documentation is Not An Obituary - Dafydd ap Gwystl Documentation should be a diary of research and construction notes, not an obituary of a project. This class will NOT be boring. Dafydd will show how documentation should be a learning record for the craftsman, not a justification retrofitted onto a project and aimed at a judge. Re-creating a medieval object is a series of compromises as the artisan comes up against constraints of expense, knowledge, time, skill, and materials. Dafydd will attempt to show how to use this process, and not let it use you. This class is aimed at anyone who wants to gain some insight into an effective approach to creating more medieval objects. As a side effect of this technique, students will learn how to write brief, clear, informative post-mortems on their projects.

83 - Development of a French Persona from Period Sources - Esclarmond de Colloure Focuses on French society and culture in the 9th through 15th centuries including particular sources for French names, regional politics, and ways to customize your persona type (fighter, merchant, pilgrim, etc.).

84 - Herbal Medicines in the Middle Ages - Miriam bat Isachar The course will focus on the use of herbs for various ailments, their preperations, and in some cases the scientific evidence for why it worked. Disclaimer: This is not a how-to-use-herbal-medicines class. This is how THEY used them. Herbs are often medicines and should be prescribed by a licenced practitioner. I am not one, so don't try this at home.

85 - De arte linguarum: A Survey of European Languages 700-1500 - Alianora Munro This will be in part an historical survey of vernacular languages and dialects spoken in Europe during the Middle Ages, with likely tangents on education and knowledge of multiple languages in the period, and in part a discussion of ways in which one can add colour to one's persona (and surroundings) with these languages. There will be written examples of at least some of the languages/dialects to be discussed.

86 - When is a Car not a Fire Chariot? Using Medieval Language in the SCA - Keilyn FitzWarin This class will cover using more medieval language in situations such as: writing event announcements, writing letters, issuing challenges, making announcements during events, casual speech, writing poetry and other times when the use of more medieval turns of phrase may add to the elegance of a situation (specific areas will be addressed as class interest dictates).

87 - A Mostly Painless Introduction to Library Research - Alianora Munro Designed for the innocent, the eager, and the lost. The course will cover: navigating academic libraries and other research facilities (including catalogues, cataloging systems, and microforms); deciphering footnotes (what does op. cit. mean anyway?); useful resources and how to use them; and surviving encounters with primary source materials. There will also be information on electronic resources available to the computer-literate and lots of handouts.

91 - Cotehardies in 4 Yards or Less - Aislynn Fyrlocc Class will observe (and help with) construction of a minimum-waste 14th-century lady's coteheardie. They will leave with the patterns, instructions, and experience needed to construct their own dress.

92 - Plantagenet Kings of England - Thomas Smyth of Ayr A class about the triumphs and tragedies of England s House of Plantagenet.

95 - Between Your Head and Your Hat: What to do with your hair - Aislynn Fyrlocc An introduction to ladies hairdressing for 13th-16th centuries. We will cover Headpiece usage as well as some "non-hat" styles. Class size limit: 10 (due to hands-on nature)

101 - To Teach Dance - Alyson of Islay A class on teaching dance masters/ mistresses how to teach dance. Teaching dance successfully consists of more than merely showing people the steps and playing the music. Learn how to teach people dance in such a way that they won't have to count their steps or think about what kind of steps they are doing. A class that teaches people how to interpret steps, break them down for the choreographically impaired, and put them back together again into a dance sequence. The difference between similar types of steps (e.g., the difference between a pavane single and double, and a bassedanse single and double). How to let the music tell you what to do.

102 - A Step Beyond - Winifred Corbet and Beornherd of Weyrmouth Winifred and Beornherd of Weyrmouth will be teaching dancers the subtleties of style and grace, and a bit of flirtation while dancing. Learn how to appreciate your partner, and in turn be appreciated. The dances they will be using are Hole in the Wall, Gathering Peascods, and Belle qui Pavane. It is preferred that you already know the steps to avoid having to take time to teach the dances.

103 - Belly Dance Appreciation - Atesh (Sit down class, not for dancers only). Atesh explains the subtle dimensions of an artistically pleasing performance in Middle Eastern dance. Previously squeamish onlookers will be discerning dance aficionados after honing their aesthetic sensibilities in this class! Whether you dance, or just watch, this class is for you.

104 - Intro to Juggling: Learn to juggle! - Kendrick Wayfarer and Company Impress your friends and neighbors! This class is for people who cannot already juggle but would like to learn the rudiments of the craft. Learn the basic 3-ball cascade, as well as more advanced skills as time allows. Please bring juggling equipment if you have it.

105 - Advanced Juggling: Can you do a 3-ball cascade? - Kendrick Wayfarer and Company Can you pass flaming torches? If your juggling skills lie in this range, this is the class for you! Brush up on current skills and learn new ones. Likely topics include advanced 3-ball tricks, ball passing, and beginning club (knife, torch) juggling. Depending on the experience and interest of the students, instruction in contact-juggling, more-than-3-ball juggling, club passing, and use of other props may also be covered. Bring any props you may already have!

106 - Improvisation and the SCA - Aislinn ferch Llwelyn A class on using the art of improvisational acting in playing with your persona at an SCA event. This class is meant to help a person feel more comfortable in playing their persona. There will be background on medieval theatre, but the main emphasis will be on skits involving role-playing of your personal character. Look forward to loads of fun and laughter.

111 - Flash Card Heraldry I, Groups and Royal Peers - Leifr Johannson Leifr will again present his class on the arms of Atlantian Groups and Royal Peers living in Atlantia. Get a look at this selection of emblazons and learn to spot people from across the field. Blazons of Shires and Cantons wishing to be included can be e-mailed to Send information before April.

112 - Flash Card Heraldry II, Knights and Liveries - Leifr Johansson We will present flash cards for the active Knights and commonly seen liveries in Atlantia and around the SCA. Improve your field heraldry recognition and KNOW who the other guys are. Send your suggestions to

113 - The Use of Heraldry in Period Clothing - Brenna of Storvik A slide show of numerous and varied examples of heraldic clothes and accoutrements.

114 - How to Use Heraldry in your SCA Clothes - Seonaid ni Fhionn A practical class on making heraldic clothes; how to use clothes for heraldic display; how to work heraldic ornamentation into your costume.

115 - Creative Court Heralding - Gyrth Oldcastle of Ravenspur Gyrth will amaze and educate one and all with the ease with which one can creatively herald any court. Come and find out how make any court enjoyable.

116 - Designing Interlace - Erica Poitevins The 'Cut & Paste' method. An easy way to come up with a unique interlace design for each project. "This method really works, and will have you designing beautiful interlacing before you know it", comments a former student. Limit 12 people.

124 - Late Celtic Culture -Alyson of Islay 16th Century Celtic history and culture (concentrating on Ireland) Outside influences (like Spain and France). How all of this affects persona development in the SCA.

125 - Late Celtic Clothing -Cormac McCluin This is the companion to the Celtic Culture class, except that, natch, we will be looking at clothing.

127 - To Succeed as Camp Master - Rosine of Rowenwald For gentles who have volunteered to help run a large encampment. Whether for a household or a baronial encampment, the tasks are somewhat different than just trudging off into the woods and setting up. This class will cover some of the additional things to think about. Also, known as "How to be a Successful Slum Lord--Or Keeping Your Head in Spite of Yourself".

T1 - Leather Bottles - Damon Argent We will demonstrate the manufacture of costrels, or leather canteens. We will cover all the steps in a "galloping gourmet" style, basic construction and assembly, forming wet leather with sand, courboilli, and finishing. (Come see Silver teach Atlantia to pound sand.) This class will begin in the town right after lunchtime.

T2 - Lanthornes - Avar of Caer Mear The art of making leather lanterns. These are spiff working lanterns with horn lenses. You gotta see 'em. Avar will be working at his craft all day, so drop in and take a look.It will take about two hours of your time to get the full demo and learn how it's done.

T3 - Introduction to Card Weaving I: Threaded in Patterns - Megan O'Donnelly An introduction to weaving bands using tablets or cards in which the pattern is made by systematic variation in the turning of the cards and the manner in which they are threaded. The patterns that result tend to be geometric, usually with a definite right and wrong side. Materials fee of $5 includes cards and yarn. Limit 5 people. This will be a morning "town" class.

T4 - Introduction to Card Weaving II: Double-faced Double-turn Patterns - Megan O'Donnelly An introduction to weaving bands using tablets or cards in which the pattern appears on both sides of the band and is created by turning the cards in two separate sets according to a detailed pattern. The pattern appears on both sides, one a mirror of the other. This technique allows the weaver to create complex designs that would be very difficult with a threaded in pattern, including lettering. Materials fee of $5 includes cards and yarn. Limit 5 people. This will be an afternoon "town" class.

T5 - Shoes - Gawain Kilgore - An all day hands-on class in the construction of leather shoes. You need to invest the entire day; but you will walk away with a new skill and a partly completed pair of shoes. We will also cover some history. Materials fee: $30. Class limit: 12.

General Leatherworking - Cordwainers' Guild Various workshops will be offered by members of the Cordwainers (Leatherworkers) Guild. Specifics will be announced that day, but may include slippers, scabbards (knife and sword), and general accessories (belts, pouches, etc.) The workshops will be running off and on throughout the day. Come by the "Town" and join in. Some limited supplies of leather will be available at cost. Please feel free to bring along any leather at your disposal for projects.

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