Kingdom of Atlantia Old Event Details: September 1997

Challenge of the Fire Drake

September 5 - 7

Mighty is the Drake in her prowess, but just as keen as her talons is her whit, To this does she Challenge Atlantia's fighters to a duel of weapons made by men and the mind. The day's activity's will include not one, not two, but 3 tourney's all of which will be held at the same time, all entrants will compete in all 3 tourneys ( one double elimination, and 2 single elimination), you will pick one weapons form and what tourney you will fight in with it, and the other two will be other weapons forms. All entrants must provide an A&S project of their own hands.

We will also be having a Arts and Sciences display for all the entrants into the tourney and any others that wish to show their skill against the Drake. For those of you who wish to test the skill of your mind, games of wit and skill will be played all day for your fun and enjoyment.

A feast of many delights will be prepared for all on-board by Lady Caitlin Cheannlaidir (Rise Sheridan-Peters), you may contact her with all questions about the feast at (301) 270-1207 (NLT 9:30pm). The site for this event will be Cosca regional park in Clinton Md. The site is discretely damp. The cost for the event will be $10.00 for the weekend of camping and feasting, a site fee of $5.00 will be charged for those wishing to attend on Sat only and not wishing to eat a fine feast. Please make the checks out to The Barony of Storvik/SCA, Inc.

Please send all reservation to the Autocrat Lord Patrick Ravensclaw (Kevin McPhee), 8801 60th Avenue, Berwyn Heights, MD 20740, (301) 474-9467


From the east side of the Capitol beltway (I-495), take Exit 7 to Route 5 South, travel approx. 4 miles. Turn right onto Woodyard Road. Follow Woodyard for 3/4 mile, turn left onto Brandywine Road. Turn right onto Thrift Road. Cosca Park is on both sides of Thrift road. Group camping is on the left. The list field and other activities will be on the right side at the group picnic area shelter 1 area A.

Angevin Fall Hunt

September 26 - 28

"And once he has entered the Fray, let each man of High Birth think of nothing but the breaking of heads and arms; for it is better to die, than be vanquished and live..." - Betrand de Born,12c

The Barony of Caer Mear invites you to a celebration of the twelfth century at this Angevin Fall Hunt. So put away your round shield, gothic plate, or houppelaunde and pull out your chainmail, aketon, and blieut! Journey with us back to the time of Richard the Lion-Heart, William Marshal, and Eleanor of Aquitaine.

Like the Angevins, who ruled England, and most of France from 1154 to 1215, we enjoy a good fight.

Fall Hunt: (for armoured combat and duello) while away an hour as would a noble from Anjou, Normandy, or England - Hunt the elusive beasts of the woods! Next, experience the hierarchy of feudal life with our 12c Melee Tourney: Your rank will count on the field so knights, assemble your mesinees of squires and sergeants for combat, glory and ransom. Then end your fighting day the way a Angevin king might... siege a vassal's castle by engaging in combat across the barrier. Prizes shall be awarded to the day's victors, as well as the best 12c fighting harness. Combat archers are encouraged to attend. Our day shall begin at 10:00 am, with authorizations.

To inspire the heart and mind. S.W.A.T.(Spun, Warped, and Twisted) will host a 12c Fiber Arts Day. (works in progress are encouraged). Our A&S Competitions shall be:
12c garb accessory, (hosted by S.W.A.T.)
12c men's and women's garb, (worn during feast)
Best poem written in a 12c style (troubadour, trouvere, andulisian, etc.)

A hearty Feast of the year's harvest, full of the bounty of the Hunt shall be prepared once again by Lady Caitlin MacAlister (Kay Jensen) (804) 262-5509. Please reserve early as our hall is limited to 110. There is no off-board space available in the hall; however, personal grills are allowed, and maps to local eateries will be provided.

Afterwards, compete to be named "prince of the puy" in our 12c bardic competition, or simply come listen to our circle. Rumour has it that the Hunter's Horn may sound yet again (and again, and again), liken to Olifant, as it did last year. (The site is discreetly wet.)

Costs: $12.00- on-board, camping; $10.00- on-board only; $7.00 - off-board, camping only; $5.00 day-trip (off-board, off-site). Children are half price, and no parent shall pay for no more than two children. Please make checks payable to: The Barony of Caer Mear/ SCA Inc.

Reservations should be mailed to the Master of the Hunt: THL Bryce de Byram (Duane Moore), 5515 Apt. D Pony Farms Drive, Richmond, VA 23227, (804) 329-0369

Our Site, Pocohantas State Park in Chesterfield, VA has cabin camping only. The site opens at 2:00 PM on Friday the 26th and closes at 12:00 noon, Sunday the 28th.


Take your best route to I-95, south of Richmond. Take Exit 62 (288 North). Travel approximately 6 miles to the Rt. 10/ Ironbridge Road/Chesterfield East exit. Travel 1.5 miles to the second stop light. Turn right onto Beach Road. Travel 4 miles to the park entrance on the right. Follow S.C.A. signs to the Algonquian Ecology Camp. Troll is located in the small building next to the parking lot.

Tourney of the Golden Moon

September 26 - 28

The Canton of Hawkwood was blissfully relaxing after a hard summer's work. The harvest is in, the weather is pleasant BUT THOSE THIEVING SCOTS ARE AFTER OUR CATTLE!!! Come help us defend our stock from the MacGregor Cattle Raiders and Barn Burning!!!

-THE SITE: The site will be Camp Tatham in Old Fort, N.C. This is a Boy Scout Camp located in the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains. The site will open at 5:00 p.m. on Friday and will close at noon on Sunday. It is a lovely mountain site with a dormitory, cabins (8 people minimum), showers, and some camping space (indoor facilities are first come, first served). There is a lake and a sliding rock-no lifeguard will be on duty. This is a DRY site.

-ACTIVITIES: Team fighting (heavy and rapier with combat archery); A&S competitions (or at least OUR version of them); children's activities; swimming; feast; AND AFTER FEAST -- FULL CONTACT MUSICAL CHAIRS!!!

-FIGHTING/RAPIER: Heavy and Rapier will alternate running the cattle raid/barn burning scenario. Each will require teams of five fighters or duelists and an archer. Each team will get a chance to both attack and defend the barn.

-A&S COMPETITIONS: Most useless period item; Best rejection of a marriage proposal; Best barnyard animal (MacGregor's animals don't count!!!)

-FUNDRAISERS: The Canton will be holding a Dessert Auction, with a dozen or so scrumptious sweets to bid on. There will also be a MODERN TAX! From 9 am until feast Saturday, each overt modern reference or displayed modern item will cost the offender 10 cents! Your total tax bill will be presented during feast! The autocrat herself, plans to bring about $10 to pay her fines... (This is to help us all get back in the habit of recreating a period atmosphere.)

-THE FEAST: Feast is limited to 100 gentles. The cook is Lady Emer ny Reyly. Feastgear for Saturday night will be provided, except drinking vessels. Please contact Lady Emer (704) 665-4342 for dietary concerns.

-THE COST: The costs of the event are: $12.00 on-board; $5.50 off-board (we pay the site whether you stay overnite or not). Children under 12 are guests of the Canton, but we MUST have a reservation for them. Make checks payable to Canton of Hawkwood/SCA, Inc.

-PARKING: The parking situation is challenging. When you approach the site, a team of gentles will assist you with immediate unloading. Then, one of your party must move your vehicle to the designated parking area at once. Bring a flashlight if you will be arriving after dark.

-MERCHANTS: Merchants will need to contact the autocrat prior to the event to make arrangements and will need to bring their own tables.

-RESERVATIONS: The autocrat for the event is Lady Rhiannon Ui Niall. Please send reservations to Lady Rhiannon (Beverly Curry), 18 Reynolds Road, Asheville, NC 28806, (704) 253-3115, email:


From the East - Take your best route to I-40 West. Take the Old Fort exit, exit #73. At end of ramp, make a right, cross railroad tracks and make a left at the red flashing light onto Hwy. 70. Follow 70 approx. 1/4 mile and make a right onto Old Hwy 70. **You will see signs for Camp Tatham. Go approx. 3 miles and make a right onto Mill Creek Rd. Follow until you turn right onto Graphite Rd (pavement ends). Go past Church and turn left onto one-lane bridge. Camp Tatham is 1/4 mile on right. There will be SCA signs posted.

From the West - Take your best route to I-40 East. Take exit 72. Go « mile and turn left onto Old Hwy. 70. Follow from ** above.

Return to the Kingdom of Atlantia Old Events List.

Gregory Blount of Isenfir (