Kingdom of Atlantia Old Event Details: July 1997

Summer Tourney

July 5

Come test your martial skills in our summer tourney. There will be two contests for the day. First, to see who will crown the Queen of Love and Beauty, there will be a double elimination tourney. Second, to choose an honor guard for her there will be a team melee tourney. Each team will consist of three to five fighters. Come with your team already formed or join one on the site. Yes, this does mean that some teams will have more fighters than others. The winner will be the team that most impresses the Queen of Love and Beauty through out the day.

The hall will be open for period gaming through out the day. A delicious feast will be prepared by Lord Wulfric Adler.

The site is St. Georges Episcopal Church, 15446 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, Virginia. The site opens at 9:00 A.M., authorizations begin at 11:00 A.M., and the first tourney will start at Noon. The site will close at 10:00 P.M.

The cost for the event is $3 offboard and $8 for onboard. Children under 6 are free and 6-12 are half price. Make checks payable to the Barony of Tir-y-don, Sca, Inc. Please send all reservations to Lady Gabriella del Falco (Tricia Bowman), 113 Kingwood Drive, Newport News, VA 23601, (757) 599-3803 (NLT 10:00 p.m.) email: Any dietary concerns or any questions please contact the autocrat Gregorio del Falco (Greg Bowman) at (757) 599-3803 (NLT 10:00 p.m.)


Make your best route to I-64. Take exit 250A onto Fort Eustis Blvd (105 west). drive approx. .8 miles and turn right onto Warwick Blvd (60 East). At the 6th stop light(aprox. 2 miles) you will turn left onto Thorncliff Dr. The church will be on your immediate left.

Kingdom Arts Festival

July 12

You've just finished you 13th Century wood chest -- 100 hours of blood, sweat and tears. You want to show it off to someone, but who? Bring it the the Kingdom Arts Festival. The Barony of Windmasters' Hill will be hosting a Kingdom Arts Festival in Raleigh, NC. The site opens at 9:00 am. and closes at 10 pm.

There will be working demonstrations and displays given by our Laurel and Pearl orders. Did you ever want to see how a spinning wheel works but don't have the time to invest in a class at the present time? Would you like to see what period woodworking is like? Would you like to see what pigments used in period paintings looked like? What was available? This is the idea here. This is the opportunity for you to see various Arts and Sciences and to ask questions of the artisans who work in these mediums.

There will be both a Judged Competition and a Peer's Prize Tourney. The Judged Competition will have the following categories: Fiber Arts, Paint and Pen, Durable Goods, Consumable Goods, Performance Arts, and Composition.

Entrants in the Peer's Prize Tourney will be required to stand by their work for a brief period of time while the Peers take the time to look at the work, talk to the artisans about their studies, provide feedback and provide encouragement. Peers are encouraged to leave tokens for artisans whose work they find particularly impressive.

Children under the age of 15 may display their work and, if they wish, can meet people and discuss their art during the specified one-half hour Children's Display Tourney.

There will be several classes taught during the day.

Curia will be held the Sunday following the event at the Cricket Inn.

The site fee is $5 and lunch is included in the cost. Checks should be made payable to The Barony of Windmasters' Hill, SCA Inc.

The Cricket Inn (919) 878-9310 will be providing rooms at a discounted price of $49 per room.

Questions about the event or the possiblity of crash space should be directed to the one of the autocrats at: Bobby Jones (Richard ffaukes) or Tammy Jones (Branwen Wallis), 5901 Applewood Lane, Raleigh, NC 27609, (919) 878-0098. email:


From the North: Take your best route to either US 1 or 64 into Raleigh. Turn onto the 440 Beltline going west. Take the Six Forks North/North Hills exit. At the light at the top of the ramp turn right. At the second light turn left onto Lassiter Mill Road. ***

From the East: Take your best route to US 40 into Raleigh. Turn onto the 440 Beltline going west and north. Take the Six Forks North/North Hills exit. At the light at the top of the ramp turn right. At the second light turn left onto Lassiter Mill Road. ***

From the South: Take your best route to US 1/64 into Raleigh. Go straight onto the 440 Beltline going north. Take the Six Forks North/North Hills exit. At the third light turn left onto Lassiter Mill Road. ***

From the West: Take your best route to US 40 into Raleigh. Take the Wade Ave exit. Turn onto the 440 Beltline going north. Take the Six Forks North/North Hills exit. At the third light turn left onto Lassiter Mill Road. ***

***From all directions: At the second stoplight (not counting crosswalk signals) turn left onto White Oak Rd. Hale High School will be on the left.

Warriors' Games

July 18 - 20

Wanted: Mighty warriors! Must have knowledge in sheep handling, caber throwing and other expressions of the noble art of sweat.

Come one, come all, to Atlantia's original Warriors' Games. The Canton of Tear-Sea's Shore invites you to attend our annual games to be held at Duke's Campground on July 18, 19 and 20. The site will open at 5 p.m. on Friday and close at 12 noon on Sunday.

Although there will be no heavy fighting, you will have ample opportunities to show your mighty warrior's skills. Most equipment will be provided, but we must ask that, if you are going to enter the ax or knife throwing, that you please bring your own.

The feast will be pot luck. We ask that each gentle bring a dish fit for six adults and a list of ingredients for those with dietary concerns.

The cost will be $6.00, $2.50 for those twelve and under. Those six and under are free.

Please make checks payable to Canton of Tear-Sea's Shore/SCA, Inc. Send all reservations to the autocrat, Lord Frederick Bestman (Richard T. Harris), 321 Annette Drive, Goose Creek, SC 29445, (803) 797-8122.


To reach the site from Charleston or interior locations, take your best route to exit 194 on I-26. At the bottom of the exit ramp, head east on Road 16. After approximately 5 miles, you will reach the first stop sign. This is Route 176. Turn left onto Route 176 and continue for several miles past the convenience store on the left. Shortly after you will see the entrance to Duke's Campground on the left. There will be SCA signs!

To reach the site from coastal locations to the north, take Route 17 to Georgetown, South Carolina. Take Route 17A south from Georgetown through Monck's Corner to the junction with Route 176. Turn right onto 176 and continue for approximately seven (7) miles until you reach the entrance to the site on the left.

Third Annual Rapier Workshop

July 19

Well folks it's that time again. Cathanar is once again holding our rapier work shop. Traditionally the workshop is very free form - it will be the same this year. S o come visit and PLAY. If anyone wants to teach please let us know so that we can setup a class area. We also hope to be able to hold authorizations (if we can get enough marshals).

The workshop is to be held on the 19th of July 1997 from 12:00 noon till 6:00 p. m..

Once again the site is The Morehead City Community Center, 1600 Fisher Street, Morehead City, NC, 28557; just one little difference this year, WE will have the keys. On e of the best things about this site is that there is plenty of room AND it's air conditioned.

This event is FREE!

Sorry no feast, but there are plenty of restaurants very close by. Also there w ill be a post/dessert revel sponsered by the shire afterwards (directions available at the workshop), any contributions (desserts) will be welcome.

Crash space can be had; please call ahead.

AUTOCRAT: Lord Christopher Storme of Kintail (Christoph Hintze), Lot-24, Dutch T reat MHP, Newport, NC, 28570, (919) 726-0612. email:


From the north and west: take your route to US Highway 70 east through Ne w Bern, NC and Havelock, NC into Morehead City, NC. In Morehead 70 is named Arendell St reet. Follow Arendell to 17th Street and turn left. Follow 17th street to Fisher Stre et. There is a large white building right in from of you. You are there (the large white building is the Community Center).

From the south: take your best route to NC Highway 24 through Jacksonvill e, NC. Take 24 until it merges with US Highway 70 in Morehead City, NC. In Morehead 70 is named Arendell Street. Follow Arendell to 17th Street and turn left. Follow 17th str eet to Fisher Street. There is a large white building right in from of you. You are there (t he large white building is the Community Center).

Caer Mear's 22nd Baronial Birthday

July 19

Come one, come all to Caer Mear's 22nd Baronial Birthday celebration!

The battle theme is this: The Scotts have rioted and run the Royal forces out of their barracks. Now, the Royal forces have returned with reinforcements. The Scotts are out numbered two to one. The Royal forces must proceed directly through the middle of town where the local folk are waiting to pummel them with rocks. The only battle in recent memory where everyone participates!!!

A&S competition will focus on cloth and everything made of it's components.... garb, banners, lace, weaving, etc.

Feast is being prepared by Naomi Macalpien along with some of her Scottish cohorts. And she has promised, maybe no haggis!

Site fee is $4.00 in advance, and $5.00 at the door. Feast is $4.00. Please make checks payable to the Barony of Caer Mear/SCA, Inc. Site opens at 10 am and closes at 10 pm.

Autocrat: Aaron Macalpien (Steve Palmore), 5701 Wainwright Drive, Richmond, VA, 23225, (804) 232-1075.

Co-autocrat:Anna McCann, 5552 Pony Farm Drive, Apt. B, Richmond, VA, 23227, (804) 321-2489. email:


95 or 64 to 195. Take the Powhite parkway (be prepared for tolls) to Rt 60 west aka Midlothian Tpk. procede on 60 to Robius Rd. Take a right. Watch for signs for W.C.V.E. Channel 23 T.V., public broadcasting station. The route will also be well marked with the Baronial colors of red and blue.

Atlantian Heralds and Scribes Symposium

July 19

The College of Heralds and the Clerk Signet for the Kingdom of Atlantia, do invite one and all to a day of heraldic and scribal education on Saturday, July 19, 1997. This event is hosted by the kind gentles of the Shire of Hindscroft.

The site is Marvin United Methodist Church, 4401 Indiana Avenue, Winston-Salem, N.C. Site opens at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 19, 1997 and closes that same day at 6:30 p.m. The site is dry.

Activities and Classes Planned: Roundtable Discussion on Being a Group Herald, All-day Consultation table (Yes! We will be taking submissions!!!), Open Scriptorium.

Classes include:

Designing a NameThe Order of Precedence
Armorial StyleConflict Checking
Vocal TechniquesCanting Arms
Heraldry for Non-Heraldic CulturesA History of Heralds and Heraldry
Surviving CourtHeraldic Beasties
Heraldic DisplayDoing Heraldic Demos for Children
Heraldic Art for Non-ArtistsAugmentations and Abatements of Honor
Overview of CalligraphyBeginning scroll design and illumination
The Scroll Process

The Shire of Hindscroft will be running a tavern during the day. There are also many restaurants and motels nearby. Direct any food or lodging inquiries to the site coordinator, Lord Matsudaira Toshiyori (John Sellers), 4050-E Huntingreen Lane, Winston-Salem, NC 27106, (910) 760-9136, email:

There is no cost of admission, however, a $3.00 donation is requested to help cover the cost of the site. Please make checks payable to the Shire of Hindscroft/SCA, Inc. All class inquiries should be directed to either Triton or the Clerk Signet (see regnum in Acorn). The autocrat is Lady Deirdre Fletcher (Leisa Stamey), 62 Old Church of God Road, Candler, NC 28715, (704) 667-5361, email:


From south of Winston-Salem: Take US 52 NORTH toward Mount Airy. Take the Akron Drive exit #122. At the stop light, turn left onto Akron Drive. ** When Akron Drive ends at Indiana Ave, bear right onto Indiana Ave and proceed 1.3 miles. The church is on the right. Signs will be posted.

From north of Winston-Salem: Take US 52 SOUTH toward Winston-Salem. Take the Akron Drive exit #122. Proceed to the stoplight and turn right onto Akron Drive. When Akron Drive ends at Indiana Ave, follow directions from ** above.

Third Annual Pre-Pennsic Event

July 26

Cyddlain Downs presents its Third Annual Pre-Pennsic event at the Congaree Presbyterian Church in Cayce, SC (same site as last year). As the name implies, we'll be getting everyone ready for Pennsic. Classes planned so far include dancing, painting fabric banners (bring fabric with a lightly jessoed surface), cooking at a primitive site, combat archery, music performance, juggling, campfire songs (ever wanted to learn "Belt and Chain"?), cooking safety and a roundtable on what to expect at the War. Anyone interested in teaching a class should contact the autocrat. There will be period board games and a reference library available for all to use. Merchants are welcome.

There will be no tournaments, but pick-up fighting will be available for those willing to challenge our notorious summer heat. This will be your last chance to authorize (heavy, rapier, and combat archery) before Pennsic. There will be no A&S competitions, but bring your work to display and share your knowledge with others.

This is a day-trip event. The site opens at 10 and closes at 6. If people are interested, we will go as a group to a local eatery for dinner. The fee includes a lunch consisting of foods that can be prepared ahead of time and eaten at Pennsic. Adults are $5.00, kids 6-12 are $2.00, and under 6 are free. The site is dry. Reservations aren't required, but will be accepted by mail, phone or email. Checks should be made out to the Canton of Cyddlain Downs/SCA Inc.

Autocrat: John le Burguillun (Les Shelton), 118 Rockhampton Road, Irmo, SC 29063, (803) 781-2375 (NLT 10 pm). email:


From Charleston: Take I-26 to Exit 115 (Highways 21/176/321, Charleston Highway). Turn right towards Cayce. Stay on Charleston Highway for about 2 1/2 miles. *** Charleston Highway will then branch off to the left and the right lanes become Knox Abbott Drive. Stay on Knox Abbott and continue for about 1 more mile. Turn right at 12th Street, go about 4 blocks, then turn right onto Lafayette Avenue. The church will be on the left, at 1221 Lafayette Avenue.

From Greenville: Take I-26 to Exit 113 (Highway 302, Airport Blvd), turn left, and stay on Airport Blvd until it ends at Charleston Highway. Turn left, go another 1/2 mile, then follow from *** above.

From Charlotte: Take I-77 to Exit 18 (Highway 277, Northeastern Freeway), follow into downtown Columbia. At the 4th traffic light (the State Mental Hospital will be on your left), turn right onto Elmwood Avenue. Stay on Elmwood, going through about 5 lights. After you pass the last stoplight, get over to the far left lane. The left lane splits off to Huger Street while the other two lanes become I-126. Take the left exit ramp onto Huger. Stay on Huger for about 1 « miles. Turn right onto Blossom Street, cross the river to Cayce, where the name of the road changes to Knox Abbott Drive. Stay on Knox Abbott about 1 mile, turn left onto 12th Street, go about 4 blocks and turn right onto Lafayette Avenue. The church is on the left.

Return to the Kingdom of Atlantia Old Events List.

Gregory Blount of Isenfir (