Kingdom of Atlantia Old Event Details: April 1996

The Barony of Black Diamond invites all those seeking knowledge and all those with knowledge to share to:

Bread and Circuses

...the Black Diamond Collegium (supposed to be in bold) April 13, 1996

Once again the greatest minds and most skilled artisans from all around will be congregating in the scenic surroundings of the canton Cymnewydd (Valley of the New for those Gaelicly challenged) located in the heart of Black Diamond. This year professes to gather the greatest skilled artisians from all around and will offer various tracks for those seeking knowledge, and those who wish to compare current knowledge with their peers.

Classes will include such martial events such as heavy fighting 101, rapier 101, small unit leadership and tactics, and various other classes. For those not of savage heart we offer classes in spinning, calligraphy, illumination, brewing, beginning garb, and various other skilled crafts. For those with grace and poise, or merely the desire to lear, classes in period dance will also be offered.

A full listing of collegium classes can be obtained by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to the autocra, or by merely droping a message on the listed email account.

The site will open promptly at 8:30am with classes running from 9:30amuntil 5:30pm. A feast will be provided beginning at 6:30pm and running until about the last participant rolls out the door. For those with dietary concerns, please contact the autocrat in advance.

No site fee will be required, but a donation of $3 will be greatly appreciated.

Autocrat: Gervas von Stein (MKA timothy Stone)
700 Hunters Road Apt K
Radford, VA 24141
(540) 731-8436

Directions: From 81 take exit 118 and follow the signs to Virginia Tech. Continue on 460w and turn right onto the campus. Turn left on Duck pond road. Turn Right on Washington Drive. Turn left into the very next parking lot. Litton Reeves is the first building on the right...If all else fails follow the signs.

The time everyone thought would never come has. It is time once again for .... (drum roll please)

Once in a Blue Moon II

Yes, this Saturday, April 13, 1996 at the Hannah Moore Center in Reisterstown, MD, the Barony of the Bright Hills is having its adults-only pun-a-thon! Cost is $7 on board and $5 off board. The Once in a Blue Moon Academie d'Spair will be having its annual fencing contest, "The Pirates of Punzance." There will be the Goddess of the Immodest Bodice contest and Codpiece Capers. A contest entitled "Baroness Babes in Boyland" is scheduled to celebrate the birthdays of Baroness Barbara of the Bright Hills and Baroness Brenna of Storvik. Bring your rapier wit! Remember you must be 21 to attend this event; no children please.

Take best route to I-695 towards Towson. Take I-795 West towards Owings Mills/Reisterstown. Take exit 7-A for Franklin Blvd EAST to Rt. 140. This will be the second traffic light on Franklin. Make a left and go to the second light. Turn right and you will go into the grounds for the Hannah Moore Center. Follow the SCA signs to the cafeteria building.

Any questions, email the autocrat Lady Ekaterina Vladimirova at or you may email me, the lunch cook at

In service (and hoping to see lots of people there!)

Lady Isabella Benalca'zar

Knowne World Arts and Sciences Symposium III

April 12-14, 1996

The Barony of the Steppes, in the Kingdom of Ansteorra, has the pleasure to invite all to the third Knowne World Arts & Sciences Symposium.

This event will take place the weekend of April 12-14, 1996. We have secured an antebellum mansion in which to hold classes. We project 7 tracks of classes for an approximate total of 50 hours of class time.

Class topics will include: Costuming, feast craft, period music, period dance, bardic arts, trompe l'oeil and needlecrafts to name just a few.

The cost for this event will be $10.00 if pre-registered and $15.00 after February 1, 1996. This fee includes a sideboard feast.

Instructor's registration forms will be available from your Kingdom Arts and Science Minister.

contact H.L. Jocea Anne Gallowglass for more information at:

H.L. Jocea Anne Gallowglass
mka Nancy Daily
13548 Pyramid Drive
Dallas, TX 75234-48340
(214) 243-6450

Field Of Gold Tourney

April 27-28

On the weekend of April 27th, the Incipient Canton of Cwmnewydd invites one and all to Shrewwood Orchard to join in the fun on the Field of Gold. Throughout this historical event, heavy fighters will be called upon to fight in teams as ambassadors of peace. Rapier fighters will do their part for peace in an all weapons tourney. In addition to these tourneys there will be archery, a knife, ax and spear throw and a games tourney. Come, all ye artistic folk and help us use our device in the most creative manner possible.

The site is a new addition to Mistress Rosatrude the Shrew's estates, i.e. private property, Currently the site is extremely primitive, so bring drinking water and solar showers, if you need them. Sandles are not advised as there is poison ivy. Bring implements of destruction if you want to clear a camp site in the woods. There is also plenty of camping space in the open. Site opens Friday, April 26 at 3 pm and closes on Sunday at 3 pm.

NEW!!! Attention Black Diamond, there will a tourney to determine the two archers from Black Diamond who will compete for the Lochmere Arrow at On Target in Maryland May 18th. The heavy fighting tourney will be a three man tourney double elimination tourney. The rapier tourney will be an all weapons tourney.

Site fee - $5 before April 20
$7 after April 20
Feast fee - $4
Feast is limited to 100 spaces and there is no non-member fee to add!!!
Send reservations to:
Briana of Skie
Susan Holt
or call:
1300 University City Blvd. Apt. 2201 (703) 951-3697
Blacksburg, VA 24060

Please include name, SCA name, membership # or non-member, and phone number. Please make checks payable to Barony of Black Diamond/SCA Inc., as they are graciously sponsoring this event.

Shrewwood Orchard is located in Floyd, Virginia, between Willis and Dugspur off 221. Turn south on 761 at the Mira's Fork Missionary Baptist Church sign. Turn right at the church on 624. Site is the first drive on the right. Look for SCA signs.

Return to the Kingdom of Atlantia Events List.

Gregory Blount of Isenfir (