Kingdom of Atlantia Old Event Details: February 1996

Never too early for love

3 February 1996

On the Feast of Saint Blase, February 3, 1996, Corun and Brenna, Baron and Baroness Storvik, summon their Court and invite all folk of gentle birth to a day of dancing, merriment, song and divers proof that Love doth reign in Storvik. Several challenges will be fought for Love's honor, and there may be a Court of Love. Favor will be shown to those who bear their Love's token about their person, or who speak with grace of their Love. There will be an open unjuried A&S display. Please bring banners and all manner of display to decorate the Hall.

  Site opens Noon.		On-board $11.00
  Procession at 1:30		Off-board  5.00
  Feast served after dusk
  Event ends 10PM
  Hall closes 11PM
On-board reservations bust be received by Beornheard by Monday, January 29. Reservations are limited to 125. In extremis, call, but note that telephone reservations are worth the paper on which they are written. Crash space is available; contact Beornheard.

Marshal of the Hall (Autocrat): Lord Beornheard of Wearmouth (Jeff Tyeryar, 3603 Oliver Street, Hyattsville, MD, 20782; 301-559-7852; Cook: Lady Aisha (Donna Randall, 202-723-2208. Court Musician: Felicia Eberling, 301-587-3711.

Directions: The site is the Margaret Schweinhaut Senior Center, 1000 Forest Glen Road, Silver Spring, Maryland. Take your best route to the yWashington, D.C. Beltway (I-495) and exit onto Route 97 (Georgia Avenue) north. IMMEDIATELY, at the first light, turn right onto Forest Glen Road. The Schweinhaut Center is approx., 1.25 miles on the right.

Spring Collegium at Falcon Cree

Greetings Good Gentles!

We are putting together a Collegium to be held in the Canton of Falcon Cree(Greenville,SC) on February 24, 1996. We are currently planning several tracks. Among these are an SCA Service Track- Basic Seneschal 101, How To Autocrat an Event and Remain Sane, What is a Chatalaine,Really, and other such topics. Our hope is to train some folks for future leadership in the Kingdom- but don't tell them that!

We are also doing a Garb Track- The Basic T-Tunic for Beginning Garb Makers, Bodices, Sleeves(Oh Noooo!), etc.

We even have the potential for an Armour Track- Basic Blacksmithing, Chain Mail Knitting(?), and others.

But we very much need more. We have an excellent site, a whole school! Including the athletic fields! available to us. We want to fill the entire place with classes. So, please, if anyone wants to teach a class on anything, please send me a short class description or outline and include a list of materials or how much you will need to provide materials for the class. There will be no event fee, only the cost of materials for each class.

We know there is a lot of knowlege out there. Let's spread it around.

In Service
Lady Elspeth Hinds
mka Sher Hines
phone (803)244-4406

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Gregory Blount of Isenfir (