Kingdom of Atlantia Old Event Details: July 1995

Greetings fair gentles of the Merry Rose. As chief-sucker-in-charge (that's autocrat, you twit) I would like to announce the Collegium Borealis and invite all of you to submit classes to our wonderful class coordinator, Lady Meli ( A wonderful flyer follows.

Collegium Borealis

Ponte Alto and Stierbach
1st July, 95

The Incipient College of St. Stephen, sponsored by the Barony of Ponte Alto and the Shire of Stierbach, invites all of Fair Atlantia to the Collegium Borealis, a celebration of the teaching of arts of war and peace.

The Collegium will be held on the campus of George Mason University, in Fairfax, VA, at Robinson Hall, next to the Quad and near the Ponte Alto Wednesday night fighting practice.

Class tracks include:

Medieval Women's Studies
Performing Arts
Armoured Fighting, both Practium and Class
Armouring, both partical and historical

and others to be arranged. Also untracked classes will be offered.

Class submissions must be received by May 20th to be included in the first published Class Schedule. Complete tracks with track leaders are always appreciated. Class submissions received after May 20th will be added if possible. The class coordinator is Melusine Meleri (Meli) ferch Iasper (Sharon Henderson, 5521 Starboard Court, Fairfax, VA 22032-4011 (703-425-8284 NLT 10:00 pm,

Published class schedules will be mailed to anyone sending a $2.00 donation made out to Shire of Stierbach/SCA Inc.. Donations will be accepted at the door.

For class schedules, send name, address and donation to the autocrat, Lord Leifr Johansson (Lance Harrop, 10417 Dylan Place, Manassas, VA 22110, 703-368-9658, before 10:00 pm if you're lucky,

Sorry, there will be no preregistration for classes. Students and instructors will not receive credit with the University of Atlantia for teaching or taking classes at Collegium Borealis.

Merchanting will be allowed on site (we hope). Please contact the autocrat to register merchanting space before planning on merchanting.

The site will open at 8:00 am Saturday. Classes should start at 9:00. After classes we are hoping to hold Laurel and Chivalry roundtables and a dance revel in the Student Union Building II. Directions will be provided on site. We will likely be throwing you out before sometime early Sunday morning.

The Merry Rose Tavern (which is a nickname for atlantia-l, the Atlantian E-mail mailing list) will be open on site (physically, not virtually) and should have Merry Rose favors available. Gaming, dicing, singing and story telling are encouraged.

Child care will be available on-site by arrangement with the child-care provider (we expect $5.00 a child). Older children are welcome and encouraged to attend classes.

Neither lunch nor feast can be provided. A list of eateries will be available at the registration table, as will directions to any open post-revels. Picnic tables will be available for brown-bagging lunch. The site is DRY and we will be happy to assist the campus authorities in enforcing the ban!

Directions: From all points, take I-95 to the Washington Beltway, I-495 towards Fairfax (west side). Take the Braddock Road exit west. Go to George Mason University (5.5 miles, on your right) and turn right on Roanoke Lane (the second entrance). Turn left on Patriot Circle and park in parking lot K or go further around and park in Lot B. If you have a great deal to unload, follow Patriot Circle until you come to Pohick Lane, and turn right, into the campus. Follow Pohick Lane to the end, Robinson Hall will be on your left. Unload quickly and park back in parking lot K or B, as the university will enjoy towing your vehicle if you leave it unattended. From lot K follow the SCA signs to the Robinson Hall, a pair of tall brick building on the Quad.

From Metro: Take the Orange Line train to Vienna. Once at the station, take a CUE bus (at the north exit) (35 cents bus fee). All CUE buses will take you to George Mason University. Robinson Hall is the pair of tall brick buildings on the Quad.

Done by my hand this 3rd Day of May, 1995 AD.

Leifr Johansson
who really should know better

Date: Mon, 19 Jun 1995 17:13:16 -0500
From: Sharon Henderson <>
Subject: [LONG]: Collegium Borealis Course List

Class List for Collegium Borealis
(as of 5 PM, 6/19/95)


An Introduction to Writing Poetry - Mistress Deirdre will discuss some of the joys and pitfalls of trying to create poetry in the SCA, with special emphasis on writing in period forms.

The Letter of the Dame de la Tour - Mistress Deirdre will discuss the letter of the Dame de la Tour as it appears in Christine de Pisan's The Book of the Duke of True Lovers. The discussion will center on the moral and social obligations of a high-born married lady in France around 1400.

The Arnolfini Wedding Portrait - Lady Celyenen of Stow-on-the-Wold will look closely at Jan van Eyck's famed protrait and explain the many images and symbols.

Women in Islamic Lands - Xenophon Vaughn discusses the status of women in Islamic countries during the Middle Ages. This is a frequently misunderstood area of period study; come hear how things were and how we often perceive them to have been.

HERALDRY TRACK: (needs teachers desperately)

Persona 101 - The basics of choosing your persona. Heraldically, choosing a time period and geographic location are top priority, as it directly affects:

Choosing an SCA Name - Pretty much self-explanatory, but very often misunderstood. Is it as hard as some folks have made it out to be? What is required by way of documentation? Come find out!

Being an SCA Herald: The Loud Parts - The basics of what to do if you're called on to do field cries or court.

Being an SCA Herald: The Quiet Parts - Basic consulting and paperwork.

Blazonry 202 - Getting beyond the basics of heraldic blazon. For heralds and scribes, but also for other interested parties.

Armory in Everyday Usage - The most common mundane and SCAdian heraldry we see in the area. How it is used, or misused.


Basic Camping: - Lady Kristin Ailbe Anmchlaid. Fundamental camping skills for the beginning camper.

Notes from Badger Camp: -Lady Kristin Ailbe Anmchlaid. How House Drunken Badger does large group camping with a Meal Plan for Pennsic. The Badgers coordinate the care and feeding of an ever-larger group each year, with ever-changing logistics. How do they keep their sanity and still feed everyone? Come find out!


Elizabethan Drinking Songs and Rounds - Gregory Blount. (1 Hour) While the Society has plenty of wonderful historical alcohol, we often have a lack of historical drinking songs. This class seeks to remedy the problem. Most songs will be suitable for polite company, and only a few can be used to insult sober people. Learn now, and join me at Pennsic for a BYOB travelling party on Wednesday night. A class handout will contain all the music and lyrics.

Almains from the Inns of Court - Gregory Blount (1 Hour) Dances for lawyers? No, no, just dances written down by lawyers. Learn about an under-appreciated source of interesting dances. I will hopefully be able to teach 2 or 3 dances; a class handout will contain all the steps.

Schticking Along in Welsh: - Meli ferch Jasper (1 hour) So you've decided on a Welsh persona. How to spice things up? What to discuss in persona? Which Llewelyn was around when your persona would have lived? Where were the English horning in where they had no business? What is a good Welsh person to DO??? Come to this class, and find out! Bring a sense of humor, be willing to possibly get up from your seat and spout in Welsh in front of sympathetic friends, and depart with a helpful handout!


Early Medicine: Healing in nine ancient civilizations - Lady Kristin Ailbe Anmchlaid. This course will be taught primarily from 'The Healing Hand' by Guido Majno, M.D.

Creating Period Patterns from Diagrams in Books - Lady Aeron Hamilton. Ever seen those small pattern drawings in costuming books, and been frustrated that you don't have a full-sized pattern from which to work? Lady Aeron will show you how to fix that annoying problem .... how to make big-uns from little-uns!

Japanese Dye Technique - Ldy Elisabeth MacAlester of Kintyre. This course will cover the history and practice of pattern dyeing (shaped and paste resist) techniques used in Japan between 900 and 1600 A.D. Students will make a sampler of shibori (thread resist) fabric to take home.Time Required: 2 hours. The first hour will be mostly book-learning, the second, hands-on practice.

Constructing a Norman Gown - Ldy Mari Elspeth nic Bryan. Participants will receive handouts containing step-by-step instructions on how to draft a pattern for this gown and how to fit it properly. In addition to drafting patterns, we will be cutting out and pinning gowns to fit. So those wishing to have a gown cut and fitted should bring measuring tape, scissors, pins (lots!) & cloth.

Practicum. Limited to 10 people. 2 hour class.

Constructing a "Greenland Gore" Cotehardie - Ldy Mari Elspeth nic Bryan

Participants will receive handouts containing step-by-step instructions on how to draft a pattern for this gown and how to fit it properly. In addition to drafting patterns, we will be cutting out and pinning gowns to fit. So those wishing to have a gown cut and fitted should bring measuring tape, scissors, pins (lots!) & cloth. Limited to 10 people. 2 hour class.

Gilding Techniques for Painting & Illumination - Ldy Patricia du St.Clemont.

(limit 10 people) Hands-on practice and observation; come see how it is done, then get a chance to apply what you've learned!

Artist Safety Tips for Working with Poisons - Ldy Patricia du St.Clemont.

lecture on the topic of how to safely deal with the toxic substances used in period painting techniques.

Constructing Lorica Segmentata Armor - Lady Kristin Ailbe Anmchlaid.

How to construct this Roman-style armor, using metal or plastic.

All-Day Informal Scriptorium The Clerk Signet will be holding an All-Day session for scribes, calligraphers, .

Leather Working: Baron Daman Argent (Silver) would like to have a leather working room.


Official Atlantian Marshal Training by the Earl Marshal and Deputy Earl Marshal in charge of Training.

Fighting manual class -Baron Niall

Armoured Fighting Sword-Blows class - Master Malcolm mac Malcolm

Intermediate Rapier - Hon. Lord Giacomo Vincenti di Firenze. Just what it says: intermediate fencing techniques with the rapier. Come learn how to polish your style and polish off your opponents.

Battlefield Assessment - Hon. Lord Giacomo Vincenti di Firenze. This is a good class for chirurgeons, marshals, water bearers, etc. What goes on on a battlefield? When a fighter needs to be assessed for fitness to continue, who checks what and okays her/him by what means?

A History of Masters-at-Arms - Sir Strykar. Learn what Masters-at-Arms were, and what was expected of them.

Early Manuscripts on the Subject of the Fighting Arts - Sir Strykar. Come learn about early period manuscripts that detail fighting styles, teaching methods, etc. Excellent sources of documentation and information for the fighter!

Sacred Stone Novice Tourney

Shire of Drachentor
7-9 July 1995

Once again, the Shire of Drachentor is honored to host the Barony of the Sacred Stone's Novice Tourney. We hereby call forth all fighters, both heavy and rapier, to meet on the field of honor in Ringgold, VA. The Tourney takes place at Girl Scout Camp Shawnee, just east of Danville.

1) Novice Tourney: for those who have been authorized in sword and shield for two years or less. For any other weapon, one year or less.
Then, your choice of:
2) Open List: For both new and old fighters.
3) Tag-Teams: Two teams of a paired old and new fighter.

For those who wish to pursue the Arts and Sciences:
1) Best favor incorporating a theme of "summer."
2) Best garb accessory on an Oriental theme (example: painted fans).
Extra points will be given for those having documentation.
For fun: fly-on-a-string: catch the "fly" with a pair of chopsticks, win a prize!

$9.00 on site, on board
$4.50 on site, off board
$4.50 off site, on board
$3.00 day-trip only

Non-members add $3.00 to the above costs. Children aged 10-5, cost is $1.50. Those aged 4 and under are guests of the Shire. Please make checks payable to: Barony of the Sacred Stone/SCA, Inc.

Feast will be Oriental; please address any dietary concerns to the Feastcrat. Also, due to the nature of Oriental cooking, feast must be limited to 85 seats (note, this does not mean the site itself is limited to that number!). We request help from Gentles willing to work with children. Please contact:
Fionna Raynard (Rose Marotta, 46 Stokesland Dr., Danville, VA 24541) 804-792-2403.
Merchants, please contact the Autocrat as soon as possible! Plus, for those attending from afar, the Autocrat will supply a list of local motels. Note that any prices supplied will be an estimate given by the motel and may change.

About the Site:
1) It is absolutely DRY.
2) It opens at 5 PM on July 7; troll closes at 3:30 PM on July 8; site closes at noon on July 9.
3) You can bring your own tent. However, there are some platform tents already set up (canvas incl.): 8 large (each holds 4 people) 10 small (each holds 2 people)
Please tell the Troll or Autocrat which you prefer, or if you'll be in your own tent. Platforms are assigned on a 1st-come/1st-served basis.
4) There are showers and toilets available.
5) Dogs are allowed, but MUST be kept on a leash.
6) While hall space is limited, we anticipate very nice weather, July being the month it is.

Autocrat: Lady Elenore Spyrling (Elizabeth Urbanik, P.O. Box 23, Chatham, VA 24531) 804-432-3006 or
Feastcrat: Lord Matsudairu Toshiyori (John Sellers, 4050-E, Huntingreen Lane, Winston-Salem, NC 27106) 910-760-9136.
Troll/Reservations: Myriaha Krista of Kilarney (Tammy Reisser, 278 Rambler Dr. Danville, VA 24541) 804-791-2377.

Directions: Main roads into Danville are Rtes. 29 and 58. Take your best to either. If coming in on 29, watch for and take exits marked for 58 East to Ringgold and South Boston. Once on 58, coming either east or west, look for the billboard for Cheryl's Restaurant. The turn-off will be a mile after that, after a blinking caution light. If coming east on 58, turn left at Cheryl's onto 726. Continue until the speed limit changes; start to look for the next turn-off. Turn right onto 655. The camp will be on your left shortly afterwards. Continue on the dirt road; troll will be in a small building on your right (Ho-Ki-Hi or some such a thing).

Camelot Faire

Pamunkey Regional Library Demo, Pre-Pennsic Fighting Practice and Arts and Sciences Day
Barony of Caer Mear
22 July 1995

When is a Demo an Event? When we have as much fun as the Demo-ees do!

The Barony of Caer Mear invites all Gentles of the SCA to join us on July 22 for a FREE Event! The Barony will host a pre-Pensic Fighting practice and put on a demonstration of Medieval Arts, Sciences, Crafts, Rapier, Music, Dance and Play for the patrons of the Pamunkey Regional Libraries. The turn- out is expected to be about 1000 people. The site is Poor Farm Park west of Ashland, Virginia (20 minutes North of Richmond). The time is from 10:00am to 5:00pm.

Artisans are encouraged to come and demonstrate their crafts. If you practice any art or science, please come and show the children how it is done. Volunteers to staff some of the activities we have planned are also very welcome! Both heavy weapons and rapier will be demonstrated. If you fight, come join us for an all-day pre-Pensic practice. Both single combat and unit maneuvers will be practiced, contact Sir Corby de la Flamme or Lord Aedan Aylwyn for more information. There is no fee to set up a Merchant space.

You may arrive Friday night, set up your pavilion and camp overnight at the park; but only with a reservation. We must tell the Sheriff's department how many people will be camped overnight, so you are not arrested. If you wish to reserve a space for Friday night you must contact the Autocrat at the address below. Reservations to camp Friday night are mandatory. There is crash space available for Friday night if you don't want to camp. Contact the Autocrat.

There will probably be hot dogs, hamburgers and soda pop on site; for sale by a local volunteer rescue squad. If you want other food, please bring some. This is a dry site. After the demo, we will be moving to a picnic area -- hopefully near a river so we can swim. Please bring picnic potluck to share and dishes.

Autocrat: Lady Anarra Karlsdottir (Terry L. Neill); 31377 Old Dawn Road; Hanover, VA 23069-2006; (804) 692-9017 (days); (804) 994-5845 (NLT 10pm); E- mail:


Take your best route to I-95 at Ashland, VA. Exit the freeway at the Ashland/Hanover exit and go West (toward Ashland) on Highway 54. Continue West for several miles. Stay on Highway 54 by keeping to the Right at two potential forks. After you leave town and are driving for a while through countryside, you will see a brown sign that says "Poor Farm Park." Turn Left where the brown signs tell you to. Go past the school. Keep driving until the road terminates in the park next to two picnic shelters. Please unload there, then move your car. There will be SCA signs posted.

Return to the Kingdom of Atlantia Events List.

Gregory Blount of Isenfir (