Kingdom of Atlantia Old Event Details: February 1995

Midwinter Dance Revel

Lochmere 18 February 95
It is the midst of Winter and the snow falls all around. The cold wind blows across your estate and your fire cannot lift the chill from your bones.... Then suddenly, you remember your friends in the Barony of Lochmere are holding their MID WINTER DANCE REVEL! Just what the good apothecary ordered to shake off the doldrums of Winter. So come share our hearth and bask in the warmth of good friends, good food, and great merriment! This event will take place at St. Philip's Episcopal Church in Laurel, Maryland, on February 18th. The site opens at 11 AM and closes at 10 PM. There will be music, dance, games, and activities to entertain even the most sorrowful of spirits in the kingdom. There will be a competition of "Medieval Pursuit of Trivia," where even the most avid historians will be tested to limit of their knowledge! Teams (three players or less, please) and individuals are encouraged to participate. The day's events will culminate in a breath-taking feast in the Lochmere tradition of excellence, cooked by Lord Xenephon Vaughn. The site is discreetly wet.

The cost of the event is as follows: On Board Off Board
12 Years and Older                    $10.00    $5.00
Children 6 to 11                       $5.00    $3.00
Children under 6                        Free     Free
NOTE: Add a $3.00 surcharge per person if you are not a paid SCA member. Please make checks payable to Barony of Lochmere, SCA Inc. Phone reservations are worth the paper they are printed on, so send your reservations by mail without delay to the Autocrat, Baroness Ines de Avila, mka Sofia Stachel, 7019 B Christian Loop, Ft. Meade, MD 20755. If you have any questions please call before 10 PM at (410) 674-7406.

DIRECTIONS to St. Philips: Take the best route to I-95 between Washington DC and Baltimore. Take the exit for Rt. 216 to Laurel. At the second light, turn left onto Main Street. Travel one block to Sixth Street. The church is on your right.

Tourney of Ymir - Febuary 18, 1995

The Barony of Windmaster's Hill would like to invite one and all to The Tourney of Ymir.

Ragnarok is upon us. It is time for all warriors to sharpen their swords, don their armor, and prepare for the coming battles with the forces of destruction. Odin must stay in Asgard to protect the home of the gods. Thor has already begun to battle Surtr and his minons on the Rainbow Bridge. We need a champion to lead our army to victory. Only the strongest warior can be that leader. And so, a battle must be fought to determine who is to be our champion, as is Norse tradition. Fear not, mortals. If Odin smiles upon our efforts, there will be much fighting. Valhalla awaits all who wish it. To die in battle only to live again and fight another time is the dream of every true warrior.

    Arts & Sciences competitions will be held. The areas include;
        * Best Norse Persona ( an all day competition)
        * Best Norse Story or Song/Poem
        * Best Norse Item (static display)
    Be prepared to show documentation

    Combat includes;
        * Heavy - A Double Elimination Tourney
        * Duello - A Double Elimination Tourney
        * Archery - IKAC Shoot
    Also Knife & Ax Throwing
At the end of the day, a sumptuousfeast, prepared by Tristian the Pirate, will be served. This feast is _mostly_meat_, but dishes for vegetarians are being prepared. Any dietary concerns should be addressed to the autocrat (see below).

Merchants are welcome. Please conect the autocrat for further details.

A resveration paid is a resveration made. Feast & cabin space is limited, so make those resverations early! Please make checks payable to Canton of Elvegast/SCA Inc.

   Day Trip  $3.00     Off Board $6.00      On Board $11.00
   Non-member surcharge of $3.00 will be added to above prices

   Send Resverations to: Lady Deoca of Elegast
                         % Jenny Granger
                         5708-28 Windlestraw Dr
                         Durham, NC   27713
   By e-mail;
Any other special concerns should be addressed to the autocrat as soon as possible.

Lord Mikhail K. Pomeshanov
c/o Shane Brewer
204 Albert St
Wilson, NC 27893
By e-mail;
Directions: Grab a map, (NC maps are provided free at rest areas on the inside of the NC border). Take your best route to Hwy 1 near Raleigh. Hwy 1 is accessible from I-95 & I/85.

From I-85: Go south on Hwy 1 to the exit for Hwy 98. Travel west (turn right) approximately 2.3 miles to Camp Kanata Rd, on the right. Follow to Camp Kanata entrance on the right.

From I-95/I-40: Go north on Hwy 1 to the exit for Hwy 98(left turn). Travel approximately 2.3 miles to Camp Kanata Rd, on the right. Follow to the Camp Kanata entrance on the right.



February 18
This Celtic celebration of winter has always been a time of rest. As Old Man Winter blows outside, no work can be done. The people sit around a blazing fire, exchanging tales of grandeur, singing songs of legend, and working on small crafts to pass the time. All strangers are welcome to come in from the cold.

The site of our revelry will be Philanthropic Hall at Davidson College in Davidson, NC. Thesite will open at a leisurely 12 noon, and close at 12 midnight. The revelry itself will consist of an open A&S competition (concentrating on the above-mentioned small crafts, but nothing will be turned away). There will also be a story-telling and poetry competition (also known as bardic for the tone-deaf). There will be a grand feast prepared by Lord Naj of Fraxinus Abbey.

The fee for this event will be a paltry $6 if you pre-register before Febraury 15, $8 thereafter. There will be a $3 surcharge for non-members. Children under 12 are admitted for half-price. Please make all cheques payable to the College of Caer Daibhidh, SCA Inc. All registrations should be mailed to the autocrat, Lord Adam Rhys Faren (Marshall Smith) at P.O. Box 1034, Davidson, NC 28036. Lord Adam may also be contacted at (704) 377-8801 before 10pm or over e-mail at For Directions please contact the autocrat.




Shire of Isenfir February 18, 1995
The House of dei Bracci invites our friends and neighbors to join us at our holdings in the Shire of Isenfir for a day of fun, frolic and gaming to chase away the midwinter doldrums and brighten the dreary days of February.

A games tournament will be held throughout the day, with additional games available for those not wishing to take part in the tournament. We have invited the Red Mountain Inn to bring their games to test your skill and to provide a chance to improve your fortunes if luck is with you. Atlantian coin will be available, but be sure to bring your riches as well. Gentles are also encouraged to bring games or cards of their own.

Space permitting, both young and old will have a chance to test their steeds at horse races, so be sure to bring your swiftest mouts. There will be a prize for the most gloriously arrayed steed, so be sure to bring their finery as well as your own. A few horses will be available for gentles who arrive without one and would like to race.

We ask that artisans bring their crafts to display and, if interested, to enter in an A&S competition for items relating to gaming (gameboards of any variety, playing pieces, cards, and the like).

As evening arrives, the estate kitchens will provide a simple feast for your enjoyment. Entertainers are encouraged to provide diversions throughout the meal and into the evening. The remainder of the night will be filled with dancing to the accompaniment of hired minstrels, much general merriment and, of course, more gaming.

COST: On-Board: $10 (add $3 for non-members) before 2/8/95, $11 after. Off-Board -- $5 (add $3 for non-members) before 2/8/95, $6 after. We will try to provide space for those not wishing to dine on-board, but all gentles should be aware that nearby eating establishments are extremely limited.

RESERVATIONS: Lady Catriona Macraith (c/o Heather Hudson or the local delivery boy gets confused) 1980-B Arlington Blvd, Charlottesville, VA 22903, 804-971-4961 (unitl 11:30pm). Send a SASE for a list of tournament games and the rules.

SITE: Fluvanna County High School 11am to 11pm. It is BONE DRY (this includes the parking lot)!

DIRECTIONS: From the North -- Take 29 South towards Charlottesville. Once in Charlottesville, turn left at the stoplight onto Rio Road (you will pass between Albemarle Square and Fashion Square shopping malls). Continue on Rio Road until you reach an overpass (there is only one on Rio Road). Cross the overpass and turn left down the ramp onto Rt. 250 East. go through two traffic lights and remain on Rt. 250 East until you reach the exit for I-64. Take the I-64 East exit (towards Richmond). Leave I-64 East at Zion Crossroads (Exit 136) and get onto Rt. 15 South and follow directions below.

From all other directions -- Take your best route to I-64 and exit at Zion Crossroads (Exit 136). Turn onto Rt. 15 South towards Palmyra and Fork Union. Go straight through the blinking light and remain on Rt. 15 South for approximately 20 miles. Follow directions below.

From Rt. 15 South turn right onto Rt. 649 (marked with a green sign for Fluvanna Co. HS). Follow SCA signs to the school.

Return to the Kingdom of Atlantia Events List.

Gregory Blount of Isenfir (