All dances contained in this collection are copyright 1997, by Russell G. Almond. License is granted for use as stated below.
The author, Russell G. Almond, grants license for use of the songs and dances contained on his portion of this World Wide Web site to the licensee (the reader or downloader) as follows:
The author specifically reserves the following rights.
I enjoy performing Renaissance dance, both as a performer and as a musician. One of the ways of encouraging these activities is to make music available to instructors and musicians. These works are therefore my gift to you. I only ask that you treat them with respect and don't file off the attribution.
I have specifically reserved the right to include these works in an anthology, only because I want would be anthologist to contact me first to ensure that they get the latest version. (I would also ask for a copy of the anthology as the "fee" for the permission to use the works.) If you have any questions, please send me email at
[Early Dance Music]
[Basse Dance Pages] [30th Year Dance Collection ]