Die Renis!!!

Traitor (traitor@webpg.net)
Fri, 21 May 1999 13:27:45 -0700

I swear to all fricking blahs,

I have not read any of the 16 emails that Renis has sent I will but. I
call now that if you cannot combine and/or limit your responses to one
fricking email then you can fricking die in rl. Learn to farking cut and
paste if you choose to reply to many emails concerning the same topic.
I can tell right now all of you freeemail people who are getting these
16 have got to be flaming more than I am right now, because it is taking you
all longer to read each (probable) one line responses that some players on
this list have a tendency to give instead of adding anything specific or
germaine to the thread or game at hand. Instead these flipping people choose
to send incredibly shortsighted one liners that they tend to fire off
without really asking themselves if someone in another part of the gameworld
really cares reading.

In other words again, let me be a bit more concise.
Stop dominating the gamelist and realize not everyone cares about your
frothing mouth/fingers that spew junk that add nothing to the enjoyment of
the game. Think before you hit the send button!

///Martin commenting on the rl actions that some of you hogs are having on
this public forum.

Ps. If you agree take it to me in a private email.

If you disagree with me take it to me in a private email, and take issue
with me personally, because I will not respond in a public manner again I
have finished venting.
If you doubt the veracity of my not responding ask yourself when was the
last time you saw me post to this list.
I am a lurker.

Pps. If you think I am wrong in my thinking look at all the unscribe
messages we must endure because they have been pushed/scared away just as
much. As well as seeing they truly do not understand how to unsubscribe to
this list.

Btw, thank you for your time. :)

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