Re: A raspy voice from beyond :
Fri, 21 May 1999 14:24:37 EDT

In a message dated 5/21/99 2:14:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> Uh. most of the LotC members are at the council meeting - so i have no one
> to ask - who does exactly own mt. olympus right now? do we see emergence of
> a new war now?

Let's put that one to rest right away...
No, this is not the emergence of a new war, not from TIB at least.

my email was an attempt at humor (obviously a failed one) poking fun at what
could be a rush to Olympus. I figured if I could just claim the land it
would be easier for everybody :-)

I don't know who currently control Olympus, so this was not an attempt to
steal land from anybody or start any kind of war.

Then again, if the current owner of Olympus would like to contact me, perhaps
we can arrange a buy-out option that would beneficial to both of us :-)

Eric the Seehawk

> >The TIBs officially claim Mt. Olympus as their territory.
> >All TIB rules of conduct apply.
> >
> >Heck, it's worth a shot :-)
> >
> >Eric the Seehawk

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