Re: Wars

Mordekai (
Fri, 21 May 1999 20:51:28 +1000

Don't believe everything you hear. The biggest problem the
Brotherhood is having in our contract against the Lords is finding
any real Lords. Everytime we spot a likely candidate it turns out to
be a member of an independant faction trading or whatever in the
Lords lands. Some might be lying to us (I was sure that guy with the
100 elite guard wearing the 'Codric is cool' surcoat was a Lord but
he says he isn't)

Of course we are in the west which is occupied territory taken from
the old Harn Confederacy. I understand things are slightly more
exciting in the east and in the southern marches of the Muskateers

BTW that was a seriously good battle the Lord's and the Muskateers
had up in Salach this month. You guys should post that one to the
list as an example of a LOOOONG drawn out battle :-)


> On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 02:31:59PM -0500, donn breshears wrote:
> > Let's see if I have this right.
> >
> > LoTC is waring with the Rimmon Muskateers (who have hired the BoRG)
> > LoTC is also fighting PLATO
> > PLATO is also fighting the Crimson Dragons.
> >
> > So basically its extremely unsafe to be anywhere near LoTC territorry, the
> > Cameris Straights, or the island of Cameris?
> >
> > Confused on Provinia
> Heck, I'm on Provinia and my lands border both the Musketeers and the LotC. I
> would suggest adding most of Provinia to your list of places it is extremely
> unsafe to be anywhere near.
> Erick Tanstagi, hiding in the bailey
> --
> In the long run, we are all dead. -JMK

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