RE: The Yellow Dragons

Rodgers, Robert (
Thu, 20 May 1999 08:55:19 -0700

>The SOA is not involved in any actions on camaris currently.
> >We have a peace treaty which was brokered by myself and the
> >honorable Tim Whalean. To date the SOA has followed this treaty
> >to the letter and has participated in no hostile actions against
> >any PLATO members.
This is true.

>Further, SOA is NOT a member of EAGLE. We have peace
> >treaties with some eagle members, just like we have similar agreements
> with
> >non-EAGLE alliances.
Sorry. You should, however, be aware that those who consort with evil are
often cast as evil themselves.

>I have not had the pleasure of coming "face to face" with Oleg or Ming,
> >so I can not offer any opinion about their characters....But I have had
> dealing
> >with Cendage, and we have found him to be honorable in every way.
> >A man with patience, virtue and a cunning tactician.
My experiences with the yellow dog Cendage have not been similar to yours.

>I am a man unto my word...SOA will not captain any army in any attack
against PLATO
> >whilst they respond in kind and abide by the agreement we forged.
> >(I refer specifically to Ferneth.) If however any SOA noble is attacked
> >or our agreement is broken in any way, then I will regretfully have to
> accept that
> >PLATO is directly responsible and they do not value honor and they
> therefore our
> >treaty has been violated by them.
PLATO has been a peaceful alliance, only concerned with defense and internal
development for the last 40 turns. We have no designs on Ossicus, and
always scrupulously honor our agreements.

>I seek that PLATO publicly respond to this mail, reasserting their desire
> >peace they a commitment from them that Ossicus and Ferneth will not be
> included
> >in the field of operations (either directly or indirectly). "I will
> assume
> >that lack of communication to be a negative response and plan
> accordingly!!"
You have my word as a man of honor.

>To both PLATO and the Crimson Dragons I wish you both good luck in the
coming turns.
> >and I ask a favor of both of you....
>Fight well, die honorably and keep the fight honest and fair.

>This is the mother of all wars, so try to show to the rest of Olympia
> >that two of the superpowers of the world are able to put aside petty
> >feeling and fight and talk (in public) with honor!
PLATO has never acted in a dishonorable way, and we would all fall on our
swords before resorting to such behavior as shown by the yellow dog Cendage.
If he had the honor of a snake this war would not be occuring now. If you
have any influence over EAGLE plead with them to overthrow this foul despot
and perhaps then we can come to terms.
>Peace and Prosperity to all.

>Saggar StormChaser,

And the same to you, honorable Saggar,

Ming the Merciless,
et cetera, et cetera, et cetera

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