Re: forget your NPs and other flame battles

The Undying (
Thu, 20 May 1999 00:02:53 PDT

To increase the pleasure of this game I hereby cc-forward this message which I assume was intended for this list anyways but mailed to the wrong adress I think.

>From: "Ronny Deckersgd" <>
>To: "The Undying" <>, <>, <>
>Subject: Re: forget your NPs and other flame battles
>Date: Sun, 19 May 1996 18:24:46 +0200
>Heu.....Mister Undying,Sir.....
>I know this is just a game, but to keep things just a little realistic,
>wouldn't it be easier to change some names of your nobles.
>I remember we ran into a certain Mortalis guy some way back, so....
>Maroon , VERY Mortalis would be more like it don't you think.
>An, up to now very quiet Lord.
>And considering your field record, maybe a good example for you to follow.

The offer to share your victories over UDB (1 puny faction which has ended the lives of some 12 loteks so far) with a broader audience still stands.

>Al Bundy

>Be it not the smartest one.
Cant argue with this and think I know why this guy has been quiet...
(apologise for this un-characteristic smearing but couldn't help myself)

>-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>Van: The Undying <>
>Aan: <>;
>Datum: dinsdag 18 mei 1999 18:49
>Onderwerp: Re: forget your NPs and other flame battles
> >Actually there is. But I merely suggested they shut up about their NP's.
> >Seems like quite a success to me. Now challenges are being thrown and new
> >(and old) enemies made, excellent use this list in my opinion, (lets start
> >that old discussion all over again, cant we?)
> >
> >Also, I think that it would set a dangerous precedence that some people,
> >just by being pains in the ass and take some of the fun out of the game for
> >the rest of the players can gain advantages from the GM.
> >
> >raz
> >
> >>From: "CHRIS GARTMAN" <>
> >>To:
> >>Subject: Re: forget your NPs and other flame battles
> >>Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 11:22:57 -0500
> >>
> >>It is a shame that this list can be useful from time to time, otherwise
> >>there would be no reason to have it other than see how creative some of
> >>can attempt to be at flaming each other.
> >>
> >> Isn't there some other use of your time, rather than wasting the
> >>with this useless badgering?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >______________________________________________________
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> >

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