Re: The Yellow Dragons

Christophe Desmecht (
Wed, 19 May 1999 22:06:23 +0200

Here we go again...

Doesn't it strike you as obvious that PLATO always finds an excuse to
try to get everyone on their side?
Can't they handle things on their own?

Oops, I guess they can't :)


At 09:35 19/05/99 -0700, Rodgers, Robert wrote:
>To all Olympians:
>Forces from the Crimson Dragons have begun operations against PLATO on
>Camaris, operating in close conjunction with LotC troops. Note that we
>never did anything to them, and in fact have always scrupulously honored our
>Camaris non-agression pact. With no warning, declaration of war, or
>communication of any kind these factions have attacked us. We assume they
>think we are vulnerable because of the war with the LotC--this proves their
>intelligence is as undeveloped as their honor.
>We would like to hear from the other proclaimed members of EAGLE--the Jackal
>and the SOA--to know if they plan to participate in this dishonorable
>attack. We will assume a lack of communication to be a positive response,
>and plan accordingly.
>We call upon all other right thinking factions and alliances to join us in
>glorious battle to punish these dispicable cretins and wipe the foul name of
>Crimson Dragons from the face of Olympia!
>For myself, I declare Blood Feud with the lowlife dog who calls himself
>Cendage. I will not rest until his head is on a pike before the ruinid
>gates of his castle. I post a bounty of 50,000 gold for his foul corpse,
>delivered to me in my stronghold on Camaris. Although I would gladly pay
>the bounty, I would prefer the chance to slay himself and deliver his
>stinking carcase to hades impaled on the bloody Sword of Ming!
>Run and and try to hide behind your magical barriers, coward, for I come for
>Ming the Merciless
>Lord High Diplomat of PLATO
>Master of the Western Marches
>Warmonger Extraordinare
>Abuser of Bugs
>Collecter of Pez
>Sigma Phi Epsilon

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