Re: forget your NPs and other flame battles

The Undying (
Tue, 18 May 1999 09:42:04 PDT

Actually there is. But I merely suggested they shut up about their NP's.
Seems like quite a success to me. Now challenges are being thrown and new
(and old) enemies made, excellent use this list in my opinion, (lets start
that old discussion all over again, cant we?)

Also, I think that it would set a dangerous precedence that some people,
just by being pains in the ass and take some of the fun out of the game for
the rest of the players can gain advantages from the GM.


>Subject: Re: forget your NPs and other flame battles
>Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 11:22:57 -0500
>It is a shame that this list can be useful from time to time, otherwise
>there would be no reason to have it other than see how creative some of you
>can attempt to be at flaming each other.
> Isn't there some other use of your time, rather than wasting the airwaves
>with this useless badgering?

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