Re: forget your NPs

Christophe Desmecht (
Tue, 18 May 1999 17:24:07 +0200

At 06:50 18/05/99 -0700, The Undying wrote:
>I am really fed up after having spent a day at work reading the crap you all
>put on this list (and I have an hotmail account, mind you). I've tried and
>tried to keep my mouth shut, but now I am close to exploding.

no I won't...

>For some reason or the other, you did not get your np's back when a noble
>died. Tough luck. You'll have to wait 12 turns for your next NP. That is,
>you will be delayed. Imagine this example: Suppose some alliance, lets call
>it Lords of the Croaks abuses bugs, slays some of your nobles because of it,
>and thus you lose some time, cash and assets. ===> Your growth in Olympian
>hall of fame is delayed. What do you reckon the chances are that you will be
>compensated for this after the bug is fixed?

Basics of Olympia vs money: You pay for np's. That's what it comes down to
basically. I paid, I want them back. What words don't you understand?

>And secondly, what interest do you think the Olympian community beside
>yourself and your allies have in hearing about it once ever 12 minutes?

Because maybe after a little while Rich will say, "Alright, I'll give you
your np's
back, if only to shut you up!". Basically, that's the only way to get things
done around here.


Are you still pissed because we kicked your ass?


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