Mon, 17 May 1999 11:27:50 EDT

In a message dated 5/17/99 9:34:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> > If LotC or any other group discovers a
> > bug/feature which gives them an advantage - terrific! You can do it
> > If it is truly a bug than it will work for you as well as it works for
> them.
> This attitude will lead to the end of the game. A bug which gives an
> advantage to one side is a bad thing for all players. It is not
> "terrific" by any stretch of the imagination.

I'm sorry, but I've got to laugh here.
The last time the g2 list had to live through a bug related whine-fest when
was Greg used a movement bug to better his position against the advancing
LotC. I think this may fall under the heading of "A bug which gives an
advantage to one side". What's good for the goose....

> > If you have a compliant about the abuse of bugs, don't blame the
> > blame the moderator.
> The moderator can't always find the bug based on a poorly-written bug
> report. You should cut Rich more slack.

I'm not riding Rich here...certainly not as much as some other players.
I'm merely pointing out that another prolonged rant and whine fest about the
unfairness of some players using bugs is stupid. I think it has been well
established that a) bugs exist and b) people use them. It's a fact, live
with it. As long as bugs exist they will be used. The only way to stop "b"
from happening is to stop "a" from happening. Harping on the list about it
is stupid. The only one that can fix bugs is Rich, so if you want a bug
fixed, write him. And that's not bashing Rich. Fixing bugs is his job.

> > Until the moderator acts, bugs are part of
> > the game and are allowed - by the rules - to be used.
> No, the rules do not say that. What the rules *DO* say is that it's
> cheating to not tell the GM about a bug. The rules say nothing about
> the ethics of using bugs.

Ethics in war? You sound like Clinton.
The rules do not explicitly say you can use bugs, but they also don't say I
can sell Casava to Drassa. If I submit a bug report to the moderator and he
tells me it's a bug and not to use it, I won't. But if I send in a report
and get no reply, I must assume it's a feature and use it.
It has been established several times in the past discussions of this topic
that using bugs is not cheating. Period. End of story.

I don't give a crap if LotC is using a bug or not to accomplish what they are
doing. It has been established that Rimmon used the movement bug, and so did
Plato/Oleg. LotC and others have used the SFW bug. And I'm sure there's
uncounted other examples of this happening. I'm sure there's alot of people
out there that don't like it - and I'm one of them. But in the end that's
just TS. THIS is the game. Bugs are part of the game. Slow fixing of bugs
and no compensation is part of the game. If you don't like it, there are
other games out there. I don't like it, and I have joined other games
because of it. But this ever continueing babble about bugs and ethics and
quitting is getting old. Everything written over the past 3 days has already
been written 10 times over. Why do we insist on covering the same ground
again and again and again?!?


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